[Special Active] Eve summons a Nasod Blader to slash enemies several times, then fire a beam.


Class Master SP Requirement Skill Requirement
15 SP
Dimension Link

Skill Information


Skill Level Blader's Stats Damage Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Physical Attack Magical Attack Slash(Physical) Beam(Magical) Slash Beam
1 84% 56% 120% 66% 12 11~12? 200MP 10 Seconds
2 101% 67%
3 118% 78%
4 134% 90%
5 (M) 160% 106%
6 185% 123%


Skill Level Damage Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Slash(Physical) Beam(Magical) Slash Beam
1 99% 50% 12 11~12? 200MP 10 Seconds
2 % %
3 138% 70%
4 153% 80%
5 (M) 188% 94%

Tips and Details

  • Prior to the skill revamp, Blader's physical and magic attack power depended on the caster's.


  • Wally No. 9 of 3-6 can use Dimension Link Blader's series of attacks.
  • Dimension Link Blader is also an enemy named Assault Nasod: Type-W9 in Altera, however they do not use this attack.
  • While the damage is mediocre, the special property is that you can move during the attack, and is a great felling move.
  • While it has applications, it may be too highly situational to be worth the SP.
