[Special Active] Harness the gun and open fire in all directions.
Combination Skill


Class Master Level Required SP Cost Per Level Alternative Skill Requirement
Royal Guard Lv. 20 40 3 Eschaton Intermediate Training Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Furioso (Blind Shooting, Magical) Max Hits MP Consumption Cooldown
1 40 246% 14 0 MP 0 seconds
2 254%
3 41 262%
4 44 270%
5 47 278%
6 50 286%
7 53 294%
8 56 302%
9 59 310%
10 62 318%
11 65 326%
12 68 334%
13 71 342%
14 74 350%
15 77 358%
16 80 366%

Skill Note

The art of performing on a stage can be applied to shooting pong... His movements are like that of an opera performance or a conductor of an orchestra pong. But best of all was that none of his shots missed their targets!

~ Ponggo's Family Fable

Skill Note Name: Deadly Beauty (치명적인 아름다움)

Level Required: Lv. 40

Description: When chained from 1st Movement, Damage and Critical chance increased by 30%.

Tips and Details

  • The hit range of this skill is a circular dome around you. Enemies within the dome will be shot back and forth and pushed away on the last hit.
  • Before the 9/24/2015 KR patch, this skill is bugged, causing it to deal Physical damage instead of Magical damage.
  • The Critical Skill Attribute of this skill will not increase its MP cost since this skill does not require MP, removing the drawback of that attribute.
  • This skill is mostly used for bossing or close-ranged mobbing. For medium to long mobbing, Eschaton is recommended


  • Fantasy Impromptu - 1st Movement and the 2nd Movement are "movements", a term typically used to refer to segments of symphonies.
    • The segments of these skills are also musical terms, such as "cantabile," a musical term indicating that a piece is to be played as if it were being sung.
  • Fantasy Impromptu (Fantaisie-Impromptu) is a piece written by Frédéric Chopin.
  • Lu and Ciel are able to summon two of Ciel's cross-shaped blaster and sixteen rifles.


  • 09/24/2015 KR
    • Moved to Noblesse.
    • CP cost decreased if chained from 1st Movement.
    • Revamped attack method so it can do full hit damage.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 판타지 임프람투 - 제2 악장 Fantasy Impromptu - 2nd Movement
  Japan ァンタジーアンプロンプチュ第二楽章 Fantasy Impromptu - 2nd Movement
  Germany Fantaisie-Impromptu - B Fantasy Impromptu - B
  France Fantaisie-Impromptu - B Fantasy Impromptu - B
