[Special Active] Eve summons a Nasod Blader to slash enemies several times, then fire a beam.


Class Master SP Requirement Skill Requirement
15 SP
Dimension Link

Skill Information


Skill Level Blader's Stats Damage Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Physical Attack Magical Attack Slash(Physical) Beam(Magical) Slash Beam
1 84% 56% 120% 66% 12 11~12? 200MP 10 Seconds
2 101% 67%
3 118% 78%
4 134% 90%
5 (M) 160% 106%
6 185% 123%


Skill Level Damage Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Slash(Physical) Beam(Magical) Slash Beam
1 99% 50% 12 11~12? 200MP 10 Seconds
2 118% 60%
3 138% 70%
4 153% 80%
5 (M) 188% 94%

Tips and Details

  • Horizontal range is weak; being around half of Illusion Stinger's length.
  • Diagonal range which is executed after the horizontal range is unparalleled; the laser extends off the screen.
  • Although it does mediocre damage as it's partly physical based, the Blader will hitback any enemies behind Eve due its 360* flailing, safeguarding her, the final horizontal attack knocks up enemies that were trapped during the attack to be chained, and you are free to move and execute skills as per normal after the Blader has been deployed. It is also a great surprise felling move as many people do not expect the skill and will occasionally leap to their death by laser.
  • However, the skill has limited grouping ability, a relatively strange range of attack, and will be largely ineffective against groups of super armor/stoic enemies.
  • It can also be delay cancelled by other people's excess skilling, leading to the summoned Blader to do nothing.
  • Prior to the skill revamp, Blader's physical and magic attack power depended on the caster's.
  • While it has applications, it may be too highly situational to be worth the SP.


  • Wally No. 9 of 3-6 can use Dimension Link Blader's series of attacks.
  • Dimension Link Blader is also an enemy named Assault Nasod: Type-W9 in Altera, however they do not use this attack.
