[Active] Chung takes quick aim and fires a cannon ball at the closest opponent in front of him.


Class Master SP Requirement
35 SP

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage (Magical) Mp Usage Cool Down
1 182% 40 MP 6s
2 234%
3 286%
4 338%
5(M) 390%
6 442%


Skill Level Range Damage (Magical) Mp Usage Cool Down
1 1000 200% 40 MP 6s
2 250%
3 300%
4 350%
5(M) 400%

Skill Note

Name: Property Bullet(KR)

Description: Triples the chances of your elemental attribute activating when using Aiming Shot.

Tips and Details

  • Consumes 1 cannonball.
    • However, cannonballs will not be consumed if there are no enemies within range when the skill is used.
  • Aiming Shot does knockdown.
  • After the 29 March Korean patch,this skill height range has decreased by 45 degrees.
