[Special Active] Aisha transform herself to become bigger, granting her bonus attack range on her wand attacks and enhanced combos.


SP Requirement
Quest Requirement
Battle Magician
65 SP
Skill Quest

Skill Information


Skill Level Duration MP Recovery MP Usage Cooldown
1 10 Seconds 20% 250MP 99 Seconds
2 20 Seconds 40%
3 30 Seconds 60%
4 40 Seconds 80%
5 (M) 50 Seconds 100%
6 60 Seconds 120%


Skill Level Duration MP Recovery MP Usage Cooldown
1 13 Seconds 20% 250MP 99 Seconds
2 26 Seconds 40%
3 39 Seconds 60%
4 52 Seconds 80%
5 (M) 65 Seconds 100%
6 71 Seconds 120%
7 77 Seconds 140%

Effect during Magical Makeup

1. MP gained during attack is doubled (+100% Recovery)
2. X attack changed into starballs that pierce and push back monsters (doesn't knock down - very good for grouping and recovering MP, but not recommended to spam against any monster with magic reflecting shield such as Taravansh or 5-x Gulito with shield)
3. >>^x starball size increases
4. Z attack and >>z attack has wider attack range and AoE
5. xxvx, >>zxxx - The execution of final hit (launching) has their AoE increased
6. The following basic combo damage changed

Combo Damage before makeup Damage during makeup Amount of target before makeup Amount of target during makeup
x 130% 75% 1 6
xx 130% 75% 1 6
xxx 270% 108% 1 8
↑x 200% 82.5% 1 6
→→x 200% 75% 1 6
→→↑x 50% 75% 6 8

7. Floating does not require MP.

  • When you fall into a hole (eg. Hope Bridge, x-6 etc.), cast Magical Makeup to cause "Magical Stripping," which makes Aisha become nude for 50 seconds while keeping the effects of Magical Makeup.

Tips and Details


  • Upon advancing to a Dimension Witch, Magical Makeup clothing will change a according to dimension witch job avatar and wings
