[Passive] Each time a Special Active is used, you gain a buff that increases your damage. You are able to stack the buff up to 5 times.


Class Level Required
Storm Trooper 60

Skill Information

Character Level Duration Physical/Magical Damage
60 5 seconds 3%
66 6 seconds 4%
68 7 seconds 5%

Tips and Details

  • The stacks are displayed next to you as an ammo bar. Each stack will fill up one of the 5 slots.
  • The buff's duration only applies to the newest stack. If you have 5 stacks, the 4th stack will only start counting down when the 5th stack runs out.
    • This effectively makes the duration cumulative per stack, granting the buff 30 seconds duration at 5 stacks (7 seconds per stack).

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ?? Heavy Arms Mastery
