Halls of Water (Water Temple Shrine)

Map Layout

Difficulty Map
Hard / Very Hard  


Shadow Port Walker: This is an stronger variant of the Shadow Walker that you have encountered in previous Hamel dungeons. They will use the same attacks but they are now more stronger and faster in their attacks.
Shadow Port Trickster
Shadow Port Charger: This is an stronger variant of the Shadow Charger that you have encountered in previous Hamel dungeons. They will use the same attacks but they are now more stronger and faster in their attacks.
Shadow Port Defender: This is an stronger variant of the Shadow Defender that you have encountered in previous Hamel dungeons. They will use the same attacks but they are now more stronger and faster in their attacks.
Shadow Port Sniper: This is an stronger variant of the Shadow Sniper that you have encountered in previous Hamel dungeons. The Sniper has been enhanced where it will aim for its target before firing its laser.
Shadow Port Voider
Blood Linker: This is an upgraded form of the Shadow Linker. When it links onto you, your attack speed will not be reduced. Instead, the link will only reduce your health.
Mana Linker: This is an upgraded form of the Shadow Linker. When it links onto you, your attack speed will not be reduced. Instead, the link will only reduce your mana.
Shadow Linker
Fallen Red Knights: Unlike the Red Knights from Magmanta's Cave, these Red Knights have now turned over to the dark side and fight for the demons.

Miniboss: Shadow Stinger


  • Forward Spikes Jabs you with a few spikes when you stand in front of it. Pushes you backwards for some distance.
  • Spike Ball Brings out all the spikes on it. Penetrates all platforms just to poke you. Induces KD.
  • Spike Roll It's a KD Counter attack. Rolls forward or backwards to poke you with it's spikes. Induces KD.
  • Crystal Stinger Brings forth a crystal in it's chest to poke you with it. Does quite a lot of damage. Induces KD.

Miniboss: Bizarre Conrad


  • Mini Heaven's Fist Summons a rocket propelled fist to attack you with.
  • Mini Hornet's Sting Conrad whisks out a cannon (similar to that of Code Exotic's) and fires a missile at you. He then chucks the cannon at you when he's done.
  • Slide Conrad slides away from you in his UFO.
  • Health Conversion Conrad will remove some of his mana in order to regain some health.
  • Triple Spear: Conrad will summon 3 Nasod spikes out of the ground in front of him to attack you.

Miniboss: Giant Hammer Bobosse


  • Smash: Bobosse will simply smash his hammer once onto the ground.
  • Launcher: Bobosse will swing his hammer twice at you. The second hit will launch you into the air.
  • Double Hit: Bobosse will become super-armored and smashes his hammer twice into the ground.
  • Quake Smash: Bobosse will jump into the air and as he descends, he will swing his hammer into the ground, which will create a small quake on the ground.

Miniboss: Fallen Chloe

You will only fight Fallen Chloe on Hard or Very Hard mode.


Advanced Kick Combo: Starts with 2 normal kicks followed by 3 powerful kicks: A rear horse kick, knee kick and a long range knee kick. Similar to Wind Sneaker combo ZZ→ZZZ.
Slash: Chloe draws her knife and slashes you TWICE with it. Induces KD and Bleed (see Status Effects)
Tumble: Tumbles backwards, she can activate this even while being combo-ed. Completely invincible during the animation.
Air Kick Combo 1 & a half: Chloe performs the Triple Air Kick maneuver. However, she only stops at the second kick and starts combo-ing you later.Similar to Combat Ranger combo →→↑ZZZ canceled on second Z.
Nature Force: Dark Ver.: Chloe imbues her attacks with the power of darkness. Similar to Wind Sneaker's Nature Force active skill.
Spinning Kick: Dark Ver.: Chloe spins horizontally, drilling into opponents with her feet. Similar to Combat Ranger's Spinning Kick special active skill. This does substantial damage.
Slide Double Kick: Dark Ver.: Chloe slide kicks behind the you followed by a kick and another kick into the air. Similar to Wind Sneaker's Slide Double Kick special active skill. This does enormous damage.
Stoic: After every 20 hits outside of super armor frames this will activate automatically granting her a period of Super Armor.
Evasion: Like most Dark Elves she has 10% evasion allowing her to avoid attacks.

Miniboss: Victor


  • Victor Combo: Smashes you to the ground 3 times.
  • Victor Swing: Swings his fists upward into the air and throws you upwards.
  • Victor Charge: Occurs only if you're a certain distance away from you. It's like Burning Rush only MORE POWERFUL.
  • Body Slam: Victor will jump up and body slams you, which will inflict Flattening.

Boss: Ran


  • Dark Sword Combo: Ran slashes with his sword twice, then uses his shadow arm to attack and launch you into the air.
  • Black Fire Crow: Ran will materialize a shadow arm and use it to slash you. He will use this move when he is knocked down or when you are at a certain distance away from him.
  • Aerial Black Fire Crow: Ran will ascend to the air and will move left or right of the stage for a small distance. He will use Black Fire Crow to swipe anyone that is close to him as he descends.
  • Flame Burst: Ran will swing his sword and unleash a trail of fire towards you.
  • Shadow Clone: If you try to distance yourself from Ran, he will create a clone of himself right next to you and attack.
  • Black Destiny: Ran will unleash several slashes against you and finishes his string of attacks with an eruption of dark energy.
  • Reverse Gravity: A spell circle will appear under Ran. Any player caught within the circle will slowly rise into the air and will be vulnerable for his next attack, where he releases a shock wave from the ground. He will use this every time 1/4 of his maximum health has been depleted.
  • Dark Enhancement: After depleting about 1/4 of Ran's health, he will enhance his sword with darkness. Afterwards, his attacks will now inflict Curse on you.
  • Fire Enhancement: After depleting about 1/2 of Ran's health, he will enhance his sword with fire. Afterwards, his attacks will now inflict Burn on you.

Boss Drops

Image Name Class Stats
  Demonic Horn

Head Accessory
Attack Speed +2%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%

  Hendel Bites

Bottom Accessory
Critical Chance +2%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous