[Active] Wraps oneself in magical energy, increasing magic defense, negating damage and absorbing magical projectiles.


Class Level Required Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level
Elemental Master 50 54 63

Skill Information

Character Level Magic Resistance Increase Damage Reduction Shield Durability MP per Projectile Absorbed Duration MP Usage Cooldown
50 +70% 40% 15% of Max HP +10 MP 15 Seconds 75 MP 20 Seconds

Skill Traits

Shining Body - Killing Blow (1) Shining Body - Killing Blow (2)
Level Required Attribute Effect Details Level Required Attribute Effect Details
Duration Magic Resistance Increase Damage Reduction Shield Durability MP per Projectile Absorbed
54 Skill effect's duration increased to 130% 19.5 Seconds 63 Skill effect's effectiveness increased by 30% +91% 52% 19.5% of Max HP +13 MP

Tips and Details

  • Can be used while in the air.
  • Can absorb magical projectiles like Rena's arrows, Aisha's fireballs, Eve's electron balls, Shooting Guardian/Deadly Chaser's gun shots, Magic Knight/Rune Slayer's fireballs/runes.
    • Cannot absorb Void Princess's Gravity Ball, although it's magical projectile. Strangely, you gain 10 MP (like absorbing other magical projectiles) when you receive the damage of Gravity Ball.
  • Magic defense is increased by power number, not by damage reduced. High defense power will result in bigger increase and thus higher effectiveness.
  • To successfully use this against a magic projectile attack, the user would have to foresee it coming. If the attack is magic but not a projectile you will also have to foresee it coming, as Shining Body cannot absorb anything from it so it would make more sense to evade it.
  • Essentially an active version of Rune Slayer's Phoenix Talon Buff, but without the speed increase and with added magic resistance.


  • 07/04/2013 KR
    • Duration reduced
    • MP absorb amount reduced. (+10 per absorb instead of +30)
  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • SP requirement changed (2 SP per leveling)
  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Magic Defense Increase increased.
    • Duration increased.
  • 10/08/2015 KR
    • Magic Defense increase amount decreased.
    • [Mana Shield] reduced damage increase amount decreased.
    • Magic projectile MP absorbtion rate decreased.
  • 10/29/2015 KR
    • Duration decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 샤이닝 바디
엘레멘탈 바디
Shining Body
Elemental Body
  Japan エレメンタルボディ Elemental Body
  China (Simplified Chinese) 元素之躯 Elemental Body
  France Enveloppe élémentaire Elemental Husk
