[Passive] Damage increases when you are below 50% HP and Awakening regenerates MP.


Class Level Required
Weapon Taker 40

Skill Information

! Skill Level Level Required When HP Below Damage Increased Knockdown
Rate Decreased
MP Recovery
1 40 50% ??% ??% ?? MP
2 46 ??% ??% ?? MP
3 47 30% 27% 30 MP

Tips and Details

  • An easy way to tell if this buff is in effect is if you are limping when idle. Try being in a group with someone with the skill Weapon Break while using potions to maintain low health.


  • 03/29/2012 KR
    • Changed HP count to 50%.
    • Halved damage multiplier.
  • 06/27/2013 KR
  • 08/06/2015 KR
  • 08/13/2015 KR
    • Damage Amplifier increased.
    • Added MP regain effect when awakening in certain HP condition.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 역전의 용사 Reversal Fighter
  Japan エース イン ザ フォール Ace in the Fall
  China (Simplified Chinese) 逆转的勇士 Reversal Warrior
  France Mercenaire vétéran Mercenary veteran
