[Passive] Increases Physical Attack power and gives the chance to shield further damage.
Converts certain skills that use cannonballs from magical damage to physical damage.
MP recovery from command skills are increased. (Scare Chase, Aceldama, Aiming Shot, Artillery Nova, Sudden Burster, Siege Shelling, Lunatic Fury)


Class Level Required
Iron Paladin 35

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Mana Gain Increase Physical Attack Increase Block Chance
1 35 +5% 4% 3%
2 51 +7.5% 6% 6%
3 59 +10% 8% 9%

Tips and Details

  • When defending with Guard, the chance to block will double. When in a Dungeon the chance is also doubled.
    • When using Guard in a Dungeon, the chance will be quadrupled instead.
  • Strong Will can save Iron Paladin from any attack, including powerful single hit attacks.
  • Commands that fire cannonballs are unaffected by the damage conversion.


  • This is the first skill that can block any attack.


  • 07/10/2014 KR
    • Passive effects improved.
    • Added effect that converts cannonball damage from skills into physical damage.
  • 11/06/2014 KR
    • Added MP gain increase for commands.
  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Mana Gain Increase decreased.
    • Physical Attack Increase decreased.
    • Block Chance decreased.
  • 10/08/2015 KR
    • Command MP gain effect decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ??? Strong Will
  Japan 揺るがない意志 Strong Will
  France Volonté de fer Iron Will
