[Active] Attack your enemy several times using spirit power and then throw them to the ground. (You have Super Armor during the attack)
Energy Gain
  • Gain 1 Energy

Energy Conversion

  • Possible to use another skill before last hit. Gain 1 energy upon successful hit.


Class Level Required Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level Skill Requirement
Little Hsien 35 ?? ?? Intermediate Training Skill Quest

Skill Information

Character Level Damage (Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Spirit Energy Cooldown
Pull Drop Pull Drop Use Cancel
35 470% 331% 3 1 70 MP +1 +1 8 Seconds

Other Information

PvP Damage Modifier MP per hit Invincibility Interval
0.75 ?? -

Skill Traits

Gigantic Fall Haste Fall
Level Required Attribute Effect Level Required Attribute Effect Details
?? Skill size increased to 130% ?? Cooldown decreased to 80% 6.4 Seconds

Tips and Details

  • If an enemy on a higher platform is caught in the gravity of this skill, they will be pulled down from the platform.
  • Very useful for gathering enemies up in PvE.
  • Can be used for multiple launch catches due to its duration and pull.


  • Similar to Suppression but smaller and does not inflict debuff.


  • 07/04/2013 KR
    • Fixed error where it didn't recover 1 Spirit Orb.
    • Lifting height decreased.
    • Changed so it can be Spirit converted. (Converting gives 2 Spirit Orbs)
  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • Pull changed to multi hit attack.
    • Range increased.
    • Super armor during use.
    • Spirit Energy gained when cancelled decreased.
    • Cooldown decreased.
    • Damage before cancelling point increased.
  • 07/17/2014 KR
    • Fixed error where skill's effects remained even after the hit.
  • 04/20/2015 KR
    • Drop part is unable to hit the enemies below the platform.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ?? Dragon Falling
  France Pluie du dragon Dragon rain
  United Kingdom Falling Bloom
