
Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Cold Skin
Ice Attribute Resistance +50
+1% Slow Effect Chance (If you have Ice/Water Element)
Snow Slash Lv1
Slash: 100% damage (average Attack + Magic Attack).
Souls 650% damage (average Attack + Magic Attack).
Sends out 2 Souls per attack.
Targets hit by Soul will be frozen for 2 seconds.


Teen - Soul
Silver Fox Spirit
Magical attack +2%
Physical attack +2%
Snow Slash Lv.2


Adult - Attitude
Seduction Stance
Critical +2%, Evasion 1%
Snow Slash Lv.3
Snow will slash at her targets and sends out numerous ice souls!
Slash - 200% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
Souls - 550% of your average (Physical + Magical).
Sends out 9 souls per attack.
Targets hit by souls will be frozen for 3 seconds.



Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Fire Attribute Resistance +50
+1% Burn Effect Chance (If you have Fire Element)
Blaze Slash Lv1
Slash: 120% damage (average Attack + Magic Attack).
Souls 720% damage (average Attack + Magic Attack).
Sends out 2 Souls per attack.
Targets hit by souls will burn.


Teen - Soul
Max MP +5%
Magical attack +1%
Physical attack +1%
Blaze Slash Lv.2


Adult - Attitude
Critical +2%
Evasion 1%
Movement Speed +1,5%
Jump Speed +1,5%%
Flame Slash Lv.3
Flame will slash at her targets and sends out numerous flame souls!
Slash - 200% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
Souls - 550% of your average (Physical + Magical).
Sends out 9 souls per attack.
Targets hit by souls will burn for 10 seconds.



Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Evil Skin
Darkness Attribute Resistance +50
+1% Plague Effect Chance (If you have Darkness Element)
Cursed Slash Lv1


Teen - Soul
Darkfox Spirit
Max MP +5%
Magical attack +1%
Physical attack +1%
Cursed Slash Lv.2


Adult - Attitude
Deception Stance
Critical +2%
Evasion 1%
Movement Speed +1,5%
Jump Speed +1,5%%
Cursed Slash Lv.3
Cursed will slash at her targets and sends out numerous cursed souls!
Slash - 200% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
Souls - 550% of your average (Physical + Magical).
Sends out 9 souls per attack.
Targets hit by souls will be cursed for 5 seconds.


Millennium Fox

Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Divine Layer
Light Attribute Resistance +50
+1% Petrify Effect Chance (If you have Light Element)
No Infant Form -

Teen - Soul
Millennium Fox's Command
Physical Attack +1%
Magical Attack +1%
No Teen Form -

Adult - Attitude
Divine Stance
Critical +2%
Millennium Fox Way of the Hunt Lv. 3
Stone will slash at her targets and sends out numerous petrify souls!
Slash - 200% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
Souls - 280% of your average (Physical + Magical).
Sends out 9 souls per attack.
Targets hit by souls will be petrified for 3 seconds.


Awakened Millennium Fox

Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Divine Layer
Water Attribute Resistance +50
+1% Freeze Effect Chance (If you have Water Element)
No Infant Form -

Teen - Soul
Millennium Fox's Command
Magical attack +2%
Physical attack +2%
No Teen Form -

Adult - Attitude
Divine Stance
Critical +2%
Evasion 1%
Millennium Fox Way of the Hunt Lv.3
Millennium Fox will slash at her targets and sends out numerous ice souls!
Slash - 200% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
Souls - 550% of your average (Physical + Magical).
Sends out 9 souls per attack.
Targets hit by souls will be frozen for 3 seconds.



Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon
Infant - Body


Fire Attribute Resistance +15
Water Attribute Resistance +15
Darkness Attribute Resistance +15
+1% Freeze Effect Chance (If you have Water Element)
+1% Burn Effect Chance (If you have Fire Element)
+1% Plague Effect Chance (If you have Darkness Element)


Beeho Way of the Hunt Lv.1

Beeho will slash at her targets and send out 2 chasing souls with one of three effects.

  • Slash - 100% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Souls - 650% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Targets hit by souls will be frozen for 2 seconds.

  • Slash - 120% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Souls - 720% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Targets hit by souls will burn for 3 seconds.

  • Slash - 100% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Souls - 650% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Targets hit by souls will be cursed for 3 seconds.

Teen - Soul


Maximum MP +5%
Physical Attack +1%
Magical Attack +1%

Beeho Way of the Hunt Lv.2

Beeho will slash at her targets and send out 3 chasing souls with one of three effects.

  • Slash - 120% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Souls - 720% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Targets hit by souls will be frozen for 2,5 seconds.

  • Slash - 120% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Souls - 720% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Targets hit by souls will burn for 5 seconds.

  • Slash - 120% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Souls - 720% of your average (Physical + Magical) Attack Power.
    Targets hit by souls will be cursed for 4 seconds.

Adult - Attitude
Beeho Way of the Hunt Lv.3