[Magical] 4 meter surrounding Dark Mage will receive damage and be inflicted with death status, which decreases the target's movement speed by 50% and unable to use skills, after a random amount of seconds, the target explodes and receives higher damage. Can be used in mid-air. Damage greatly increased based on the amount of targets on the same spot.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Dark Mage Lv5 60SP

Skill Information

Skill Lv Max Hits Damage MP Usage
Cool Down
1 Unlimited Initial hit deals 497% Magical Attack damage, inflicts target with death status, which detonates the target at random time, and does additional 538% Magical Attack damage.(Death status: Cannot use any skills Slow down Moving Speed 50%)(PS:detonates only damage two target) 200 MP

10 seconds

2 Initial hit deals 596% Magical Attack damage, inflicts target with death status, which detonates the target at random time, and does additional 646% Magical Attack damage.(Death status: Cannot use any skills Slow down Moving Speed 50%)(PS:detonates only damage two target)
3 Initial hit deals 696% Magical Attack damage, inflicts target with death status, which detonates the target at random time, and does additional 754% Magical Attack damage.(Death status: Cannot use any skills Slow down Moving Speed 50%)(PS:detonates only damage two target)
4 Initial hit deals 795% Magical Attack damage, inflicts target with death status, which detonates the target at random time, and does additional 761% Magical Attack damage.(Death status: Cannot use any skills Slow down Moving Speed 50%)(PS:detonates only damage two target)
5 (M) Initial hit deals 944% Magical Attack damage, inflicts target with death status, which detonates the target at random time, and does additional 1023% Magical Attack damage.(Death status: Cannot use any skills Slow down Moving Speed 50%)(PS:detonates only damage two target)

Tips and Details
