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Full Name
Luciela "Lu" R. Sourcream
Magic Gauntlets
Release Date
3 May 2016
Look carefully. This is power held only by true demonic royalty!




One day while in Elder, assassins from the demon realm came after Lu and Ciel. In a moment, Lu felt a familiar underworld presence that she knew well and stopped to look behind Ciel. Her body reacted quickly, lunging toward towards him. The assassin's spear pierced her body. In the moments before her death, Lu's body began to twitch. A huge power began to awaken within her. Lu's body healed quickly, engulfing the surrounding area in an explosion. Lu had returned to her old self. In a single gesture, the demon assassins that surrounded them turned into dust.
"Look carefully. This is power held only by true demonic royalty!"
Despite having the body of a child, Lu's magic became stronger. Lu smiled satisfactorily. It seemed that her throne was one step away.

First Class Advancement

After completing the Power Awaken quest chain, Lu/Ciel can decide between advancing as a Chiliarch/Ciel, Lu/Royal Guard or Diabla/Ciel.
Diabla/Ciel can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Diabla's Soul   .


  1. Clear 2-1 on Normal (☆) or higher once.
  2. Collect a drop from Awakened Banthus in 2-2 on Normal (☆) or higher.
  3. Speak to Hoffman in Elder.
  4. Clear 2-4 on Very Hard mode (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Diabla/Ciel can advance into an Diabla/Demonio.

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
    Level 15
        Level 25
      Level 30
        Level 35
      Level 40
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 40.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 2nd job class.

Additional Combos

Image Description Damage
Lu Ciel
File:DiaCombo1Temp.jpg Combination Assault

After launching an enemy, press the   key to consume 2 Combination Points to attack the launched enemy with the standby character. On a successful hit, tap   to perform a flurry of consecutive attacks. As Lu, swipe at the enemies, getting ready to jump forward as Ciel knocks the enemies up, rushing forward together with Ciel to catch them, finishing with a launching swipe and Ciel firing his gunblade at the launched enemies. As Ciel, slash forward once while Lu rushes forward to swipe at the enemies, before jumping forward while spinning your gunblades, after which Lu launches the enemies for you to shoot them, finishing with Lu knocking them further up.

  • While the combo is written as  , every   executes an entirely different attack.

(After launching a target)
  ?% Phy. Damage (2 CP)
  ?% Phy. Damage x2 + ?% Phy. Damage
?% Phy. Damage
?% Phy. Damage x4
?% Phy. Damage x3
?% Phy. Damage
?% Phy. Damage
  ?% Phy. Damage

(After launching a target)
  ?% Phy. Damage (2 CP)
  ?% Phy. Damage + ?% Phy. Damage + ?% Phy. Damage
?% Phy. Damage
?% Phy. Damage
?% Phy. Damage x4
?% Phy. Damage
?% Phy. Damage
  ?% Phy. Damage

File:DiaCombo2Temp.jpg Switch Rush

After performing   , switch to the other partner then dash to the other side of the opponent. If switching to Ciel, perform a few close combat slashes. If switching to Lu, slash and pounce onto the enemy. Pressing   after the combo will initiate a final slash by the inactive partner without switching, launching enemies for a   combo.


[Switching Command]

Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.



[Switching Command]

Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.


File:DiaCombo3Temp.jpg Dive Crasher

After   , perform a quick switch into a sharp diagonal dive. If switching to Ciel, he will perform a crescent slash launching enemies while Lu catches them. If switching to Lu, she will cause the ground to burst launching enemies while Ciel catches them. Both allow you to continue with a   combo if the standby character's hit connects.


[Switching Command]

Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.



[Switching Command]

Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.


  : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.05x multiplier during 1st job.








  • Lu's normally white star-shaped pupils turn black upon advancing to Diabla. Her horns also turn black and become covered in scales, resembling the horns of Jin, In, and Scar, as opposed to the bright, smooth appearance in her other job paths.
  • Diabla means "female devil" in Spanish.
  • Unlike the other job paths, Ciel does not gain a new pose from base to 1st advancement, retaining his pose from base job.
  • Strangely, her character selection quote does not change to reflect her new personality as it does for Noblesse, despite being much more power-hungry and evil compared to base Lu.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 디아블라 Diabla
