[Passive] Enhance your staff by encasing it in mana. All staff attacks excluding Special/Hyper Active skills will cause a "Space Impact" effect.
Fireballs are converted into Energy Balls.


Class Level Required
Dimension Witch 35

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Damage (Magical) Activation Chance
1 35 300% 15%
2 51 323% 25%
3 59 345% 35%

Modified Combos

  : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.1x multiplier during 2nd job.
Combo Damage
X 54% Mag. Damage x3
XX 54% Mag. Damage x3
XXX 42% Mag. Damage x2
XXXHoldX 48% Mag. Damage x2
^X 56% Mag. Damage x2
>>XX 108% Mag. Damage x6
>>^XZZ 108% Mag. Damage x6

Tips and Details

  • Magic Staff works with Active skills like Energy Drain and Energy Wave.
  • Magic Staff will cause delays to be cancelled, allowing enemies to move freely.
  • Magic Staff can also activate elements and Special Attack Effects.
  • Magic Staff will activate more than once if more targets are hit and 100% of getting another hit(or even more) if the targets are grouped in same spot which means grouping monsters will make Magic Staff proc more than once on each one, even twice on few of them.



  • 03/27/2014 KR
    • Fixed damage display error.
  • 08/06/2015 KR
    • Added effect changing basic command to Starball, apart from Magical Makeup.
  • 08/13/2015 KR
    • Activation Chance now adjusted according to skill level.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 마력의 지팡이 Magical Staff
  Japan 魔力の杖 Magical Staff
  China (Simplified Chinese) 魔力法杖 Magical Staff
  France Baguette magique Magical Staff
