About Noblesse

I don't know if it can actually be said that her gauntlets are no longer active weapons. I did get the point of her skills from RG-onward appearing to rely on them, but she never actually puts them away in any of her new skills and combos. While it could be taken as her using them to amplify them, it could equally be possible that she's unable to use the attacks without them, unless KoG themselves confirmed either to be true. Also, I just looked at Noblesse's Backstory, and it doesn't actually say that she got her power back, so it's equally possible that her Noblesse power is something she developed with Ciel and her Gauntlets, and not her original power from before she was sealed away.

--The backstory most definitely says she gets her original powers back... "With substantial help from Ciel, Lu finally gets back her authority in the demon realm. She can now control evil spirits with the astounding power of her lineage." "Huhuhu, observe how much power I recovered thanks to Ciel." The point is, she never uses them actively as a weapon of their own anymore. It's comparable to BM, who obviously still has his claw, but he neither relies on it nor uses it actively anymore. Even the one new combo that still involves it (black hole thing) doesnt have Raven actually attack with it. As for her not putting the gloves away, well, it's like DC not getting rid of his Cannon during any of his combos (it's still firmly attached to his back in his XXX gun combo). It's a technical limitation more than anything since they cant simply remove the claws without giving her model a workover, as is the case with Madness state Diabla.