[Special Active] Blink and attack targets with enormous speed.
Energy Consumption
  • Costs 10 Energy


Class Level Required Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level Skill Requirement
Sakra Devanam 45 53 64 Advanced Training Skill Quest

Skill Information

Level Required Damage (Physical) Blink Distance (PvP) Spirit Energy Usage MP Usage Cooldown
Initial Hit Damage per Spirit Energy Horizontal Vertical Initial Additional
45 2661% 400% 700 (350) 1200 (700) -10 -∞ 0 MP 24 Seconds

Skill Traits

Heavy Flying Kite Evil Flying Kite
Level Required Attribute Effect Details Level Required Attribute Effect Details
Damage Cooldown MP Burn
Initial Hit Damage per Spirit Energy
53 Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
3725.4% 560% 36 Seconds 64 Skill will burn 3 MP per hit -6 ~ 33 MP

Tips and Details

  • Every slash is classified as a knock down move, thus reducing knockdown by 10 for each slash.
    • Best used when target is airborne, since you can catch your target after this skill, due to it being able to reset knockdown limit.
  • The "Initial Strike" only applies once per target so this skill is useful for field cleaning.
  • Every hit inflict heavy hitstun, preventing charging MP for Mana Break.
  • If used on a mob that nearly reach its Stoic Threshold, the super armor effect caused by stoic will only apply after this skill's animation ends.
  • If there are no targets when you use 'Flying Kite', only 1 Orb will be consumed.
  • As shown in the video to the right, if you are in Celestial Fox mode and you get an orb by killing an enemy, Flying Kite will continue. This makes it possible to do more than 10 slashes.
    • The best way to utilize the maximum number of hits does is to activate this skill where a lot of targets are around while in Celestial Fox mode. (Like 8-3 or at Boss in 8-6)
    • Each slash also hits in an area (like a normal attack would) which means you could maximize the damage of the skill when mobs are grouped real close.
  • There's a bug with this skill. When used at the same time against Add when he enters Dynamo Configuration, the skill will continue with the animation but it does not deal initial damage.


  • 07/07/2013 KR
    • A minimum number of 6 orbs is now required to activate Flying Kite.
  • 07/10/2014 KR
    • Changed skill structure to do additional damage on the first strike.
    • Damage Increased.
  • 07/17/2014 KR
    • All cancel zones removed.
    • Skill cast damage error fixed.
  • 11/06/2014 KR
    • A minimum number of 10 orbs is now required to activate Flying Kite.
    • Horizontal Reach range decreased by 50%.
    • Last hit will knockdown.
  • 04/20/2015 KR
    • Skill's hitbox changes to follow the visual effect, so the hitbox becomes smaller.
  • 08/06/2015 KR
    • Fixed issue where skill wasn't able to hit Ereda Island's tower (Velder/Hamel Guardian Tower or Main Guardian Tower).
  • 10/29/2015 (KR) / 03/16/2016 (NA)
    • "Enhanced" attribute changed to "Evil".
  • 04/21/2016 (KR) / 05/18/2016 (NA)
    • PvP modifiers decreased.
    • Damage increased.
    • Tracking AI revamped. (Range becomes Unlimited only in PvE)

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 비연 Flying Kite
   South Korea (literal Chinese name) 飛鳶 Flying Kite
  Japan 羅刹 Rakshasa
  China (Simplified Chinese) 飞燕 Flying Swallow
  France Vol de colombes Flight of Doves
  United Kingdom Swallow Assault
