[Passive] Reduces the knockdown rate of your command attacks and increases the range of command spirit balls, and Physical Attack Power is converted to Magical Attack Power.


Class Level Required
Yama Raja 35

Skill Information

Skill Level Character Level Knockdown Ratio Reduction Energy Bullets Range Increase Magical Attack (% of Physical Attack)
1 35 5% 15% 6%
2 54 15% 30% 8%
3 66 25% 45% 10%

Affected Combos

Little Devil Yama Raja


  • 08/22/2013 KR
    • Knock-down ratio has been changed from affecting only energy bullets to affecting all combos.
  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Knock-down ratio and Range of Bullets have been decreased.
  • 06/25/2015 KR
    • Fixed the error that "Energy Bullets Range Increase" effect is not work.
  • 09/03/2015 KR
  • 09/24/2015 KR
    • Fixed KD Reduction effect getting weaker as it levels up.
  • 06/30/2016 (KR) / 07/13/2016 (NA)
    • Added effect to increase magical attack based of physical attack.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ?? Energy Reinforce
  Japan 気力強化 Energy Enhancement
  China (Simplified Chinese) 气力强化 Energy Enhancement
  France Esprit longue portée Long Range Spirit
  United Kingdom Sweeping Spirit
