[Passive] Attacks while using revolvers are strengthened. [Revolver] Attack Damage, Critical Rate and Critical Damage is increased. When switching to [Revolvers] with a command switch, ECP consumption is increased and there will be a chance to inflict Bleed. |
Class | Level Required | Skill Requirement |
Crimson Rose | 60 | Expert Training Skill Quest |
Skill Information
Skill Level | Character Level | Damage Increase | Critical Rate Increase | Critical Damage Increase | Command Switch ECP Usage Increase |
1 | 60 | 5% | 10% | 4% (150% → 154% ) | 10% |
2 | 67 | 10% | 15% | 8% (150% → 158% ) | 20% |
3 | 69 | 15% | 20% | 12% (150% → 162%) | 30% |
Affected Combos
Jamming | Crimson Rose |
XXXX | >>^ZXXX |
>>X | |
^X | |
^^X | |
>>^XX |
Tips and Details
- Strangely, the bleeding will only trigger on the first revolver hit after switching and only if no further inputs are made.
- For example, while [Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V + V+ can trigger the Bleed, [Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V + V+ cannot.
- For example, while [Weapon Switch]
- 02/04/2016 KR
- Critical damage increase effect decreased.
- 07/28/2016 KR
- Tooltip error fixed.
Alternative Names
Server | Name | Translation |
South Korea | 데스 바이 리볼버 | Death by Revolver |
France | Mort par revolver | Death by Revolver |
Brazil | Morte pelo Revólver | Death by Revolver |