

EP.6 漂浮岛厄泰拉

任务需求 任务 描述


  • 等级达到Lv. 31级。
  • 访问厄泰拉村庄
  • 运输飞艇上的战斗也要结束了。瓦利的第九个作品也让我们清除,在控制住运输飞艇的瞬间。
  • 寻找着瓦力的我们被不明飞艇袭击迫降到天空的一个岛。
  • 首先找找附近有没有人住的地方
  • Stella: I think you solved all problems in Bethma. I really thought were just a group of no good adventurers... Hahaha.
  • Elsword: Haha, feels good!
  • Stella: Wally's Airship was last seen at Altera. You see that flying island? That's where you'll find him. Good luck!
  • Kaboom! Boom!
  • Aisha: Kyah! Suddenly attack.. A common enemy?
  • Elsword: We're falling! Watch out!
  • Adel: Are you awake, Pong?
  • Elsword: Oww..
  • Rena: Eeuu..
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 58400    
EXP 27590    
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入暗黑克劳尔号“普通”以上
  • 寻找酋长(暗黑克劳尔号“普通”以上)
  • 雷文(暗黑克劳尔号“普通”以上)0/1
  • 控制住运输飞艇后,寻找着瓦力的我们被不明飞艇袭击迫降到天空的一个岛。
  • 用砰咕族长老阿德尔说的捷径去暗黑克劳尔号清除指挥官吧。
  • Adel: So, that's what happened.. Wally's whereabouts are unknown and the El Shard was taken by someone else, pong?
  • Elsword: Black hair...and one arm was made out of machine!
  • Adel: What? Is it.. Raven...pong?
  • Elsword: Raven? His name is Raven?
  • Adel: You said a black airship attacked you, right? If it was a man with one mechanical arm, he is indeed Raven, Black Crow's leader, pong.
  • Rena: We just have to investigate the Raven person and Black Crows to find where the El Shard is then?
  • Adel: Right, but be careful. They are really dangerous, pong.
  • Elsword: I had a chance to fight him but I lost him...next time won't be so easy!
  • Adel: You went head to head with Raven, pong? Amazing!
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 58400   武器强化石Lv.2 x 1  
EXP 27590   魔法石 x 1  
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入暗黑克劳尔号“中等”以上
  • 暗黑克劳尔纹样(暗黑克劳尔狙击兵,暗黑克劳尔号“中等”以上)0/10
  • 暗黑克劳尔号上的家伙们出现在厄泰拉岛是有什么目的的呢?
  • 为了调查他们需要线索。
  • 暗黑克劳尔从暗黑克劳尔军团那里得到能得知来历的线索
  • Adel: Black Crows are very dangerous, pong. They are activate around the island's outer area and they make sure we cannot leave the island, pong. They also lead attacks towards our town, pong.
  • Elsword: Nasod Army? ARe they the ones in control around here?
  • Adel: That's right, pong. This Altera Island is ruled by King Nasod and his goons, pong. Survivors of ancient Nasod civilization. Us Ponggos are a race that can use the Nasod technology and because of that King Nasod have us trapped in here in case we leak their secrets.. pong.
  • Elsword: To keep you all in town, they constantly bother you like this?
  • Adel: That's right, pong. Even if we try to fight them, they are just too strong for us to handle and we are in constant fear, pong. If you are going to fight the Nasods, we will help with all our might, pong.
  • Elsword: I brought some Black Crow members, check them for me. Others were in this state too.
  • Adel: PONG! I..Is this their real identity, Pong?
  • Elsword: ......An army of cyborgs that had their body parts replaced with Nasod?
  • Aisha: Turning humans into machines... Black Crows.. How could they?
  • Adel: Amos, the town's alchemist should know more about this, pong. I'll ask him, pong.
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 63900
EXP 29090   暗黑克劳尔羽毛装饰 x 4  
AP 0   武器强化石Lv.2 x 1  
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入暗黑克劳尔号“困难”
  • 卡洛内特(暗黑克劳尔号“困难”)0/1
  • 雷文(暗黑克劳尔号“困难”)0/1
  • 被纳斯德救了一条命,并被改造成破坏力很强的半纳斯德,不过依靠他那坚韧的精神力抗衡纳斯德的控制,依然保持着人类的心灵。
  • 为了说服他重新回到人类的阵营,去暗黑克劳尔号清除阻挡去路的所有障碍物吧。
  • Amos: I've looked into the Black Crows Soldier and it appears they are controlled by a device on their head, pong.
  • Elsword: Mind Control?
  • Rena: They completely wipe the memories that they had when they were human and make them into a soldier..
  • Adel: Hm, we have a bit of info on Raven, pong. I heard he is still resisting the Nasod's mind control and kept his humanity, pong. We've had many of our villagers die from Nasods but never from Raven, pong. ... You might be able to convince him, pong.
  • Elsword: If they could still keep conscious while being mind controlled.. I'm sure they're strong enough to help.
  • Aisha: It's too risky, you never know what you'll find!
  • Adel: Would you like to try, pong? For the sake of everyone.
  • Rena: It's risky.. But if Adel is right this will help immensely!
  • Adel: Woops, hmm? You are..?
  • Raven: ....
  • Rena: Huhuhu.. Adel was right.
  • Elsword: There won't be any annoyance from the Black Crow to the Ponggos.
  • Adel: Is that really...pong? We are aware you always showed us mercy, Raven. Would you please help us from now on?
  • Raven: I apologize for everything I have done.. I can't be forgiven for what I have done even if I was under control... I'll help you all live freely.
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 69500
EXP 30650   暗黑克劳尔羽毛装饰 x 4  
AP 0   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入梦境平原“普通”以上
  • 侦查(梦境平原“普通”以上)
  • 污染的纳斯德挖土机(梦境平原“普通”以上)0/1
  • 因雷文的加入得知夺走艾尔的最终黑幕纳斯德之王的情报。
  • 为了去纳斯德之王的基地厄泰拉核心先去梦境平原进行侦查吧。
  • Elsword: We need the El Shard you took, where is it?
  • Raven: El Shards are the most important resources for the Nasods. Once they find a Shard, it goes through to the Nasod King. I haven't seen the Nasod King either. Nasods.. Don't trust humans and because of that the Black Crows weren't able to get inside.
  • Adel: Hmm, then I guess that us Ponggos will know the area better than you, pong. Nasods could attack at any moment but we'll help you out in any way we can, pong. Altera has a place called the Return Plain and it is where all old Nasods go to die, pong. If we find out where those old retired Nasods are coming from, it could be a clue, pong.
  • Elsword: What are you hoping to find by going through the Graves of Nasod..?
  • Aisha: It means we can't find the entrance inside the Island, you dummy!
  • Adel: Oh, and that place is dangerous so be careful, pong.
  • Adel: Well? Did you find anything, pong?
  • Rena: No use.. There were too many Nasods.. We couldn't figure out where the Old Nasods were..
  • Elsword: Canned.. food? Had four feet and kept shooting out electricity..
  • Raven: We need another method..
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 63500   魔法石 x 1  
EXP 30650   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入梦境平原“中等”以上
  • 纳斯德侦查兵记忆库(纳斯德侦查兵TTPE-L,梦境平原“中等”以上)0/5
  • 通往厄泰拉核心的路上抓纳斯德侦查兵TYPE-L查看记忆库就能知道了。
  • 梦境平原收集纳斯德侦察兵记忆库吧。
  • Adel: What? A tiny canned four legged Nasod, pong? Hm.. Amos might know something about that, pong.
  • Amos: I've looked into the Black Crows Soldier and it appears they are controlled by a device on their head, pong. If my memory's correct these are R-Type Scouting Nasod. All Scouting Nasods come with eye cameras that store all footage, pong.
  • Aisha: Stop dozing off, Elsword!
  • Raven: Information on the enemy is our strength.. Remember that.
  • Elsword: (Great...another nagger..)
  • Amos: For those not in the clear, it means we will check the memory of the canned tuna looking Nasod to backtrack his path, pong.
  • Elsword: ..Okay..
  • Amos: You did it! Bring it here! (Plays footage) Still on land so if we rewind it a bit...
  • Elsword: I know this spot! This is behind the hills where we fought the Nasod Driller!
  • Amos: I see! There will be a path that leads us to the underground Altera nearby here, pong.
  • Rena: Oh, it was closer than I thought.
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 69500
EXP 30650   暗黑克劳尔羽毛装饰 x 4  
AP 0   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入梦境平原“困难”
  • 污染的孢子标本(污染的纳斯德挖土机,梦境平原“困难”)0/1
  • 打倒污染的纳斯德挖土机,找到通往地下的路了。但是完成任务回来的人身上有奇怪的孢子, 亚摩斯拜托调查一下。
  • 再次去趟梦境平原从污染的纳斯德挖土机搜集污染的孢子标本给亚摩斯吧。
  • Raven: We finally found the path to Altera. Let's hurry.
  • Elsword: Alright! Let's go!
  • Aisha: Sigh.. Good for you, you're full of energy.
  • Amos: Hm? But what is that green thing on your clothes, pong? It looks like spores but ... I can sense a bit of poison, pong.
  • Elsword: I think it might have been buried when we fought the Nasod Driller.
  • Rena: Woah, it's covered in green spores..
  • Amos: I could be overreacting but I should make sure. Can you get me more of those spores, pong? I need to take a closer look at them, pong.
  • Amos: You found the entrance? Good work, pong!
  • Raven: Nasods will start their attack, be careful.
  • Elsword: Oh and here, this is the spore sample you asked about.
  • Amos: Thank you, pong. It definitely feels poisonous, I must study it a bit more, pong!
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 75600
EXP 32310   暗黑克劳尔羽毛装饰 x 4  
AP 0   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入运输通道B4-1“普通”以上
  • 确认污染(运输通道B4-1“普通”以上)
  • 这条运输通道B4-1是以前砰咕族开凿的,不过现在被纳斯德占领,用来连接到地面的通道。
  • 但是亚摩斯分析孢子后得知,那里如果是孢子的发源地岛上会有危险。
  • 运输通道B4-1调查隧道内部吧。
  • Adel: It's the B4-1 Tunnel, pong. That place has a sad history with us Ponggos. We were making a tunnel to escape the Nasod watch but during the process the walls crumbled and Nasods ambushed us, pong. Suddenly, walls crumbled and Nasod ambushed us, pong. After that incident, there were just too many Nasod Soldiers there overwatching the place.
  • Agatha: That's right, pong! I've wasted numerous picks digging that tunnel! Even thinking about that makes me fume! POOOONG!
  • Rena: Wow that big mouth... It might be bigger than Elsword.
  • Aisha: Not as bad as Elsword, Rena.
  • Elsword: W-W-W-What?!
  • Adel: Anyways, we're been researching the spore you brought us last time, pong. But the results are weird, pong. If there are anything worse than this one.. Something bad will happen inside the B4-1 Tunnel, pong. I know you are busy with Altera Core but please investigate this for us as well, pong.
  • Amos: Really? The B4-1 Tunnel is covered in green, pong?
  • Rena: It's all over body... Euu... I didn't bring any spare clothes..
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 75600   魔法石 x 1  
EXP 32310   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 运输通道B4-1“中等”以上
  • 蒸汽控制器(运输通道B4-1“中等”以上)0/1
  • 厄泰拉西亚(运输通道B4-1“中等”以上)0/3
  • 厄泰拉西亚孢子(运输通道B4-1“中等”以上)0/3
  • 经亚摩斯研究,不明孢子是厄泰拉西亚的孢子,运输通道B4-1里的孢子散发出来的话整个厄泰拉岛都会面临污染。
  • 运输通道B4-1清除厄泰拉西亚吧。
  • Amos: It has come to the worst, pong. The spore from Return Plains and the ones covering the B4-1 Tunnel is called Alterasia, and it's a parasite.
  • Elsword: These things are.. parasites?
  • Amos: That's right, pong. It's a rare breed that reacts to El and uses that to grow. It lives inside the host that uses El energy, pong. Once inside it controls the host to find another host, pong.
  • Adel: Apparently this was a weapon created by humans to fight Nasods back in the great war. It contaminated Nasods to fight against each other.
  • Rena: A parasite that can potentially be lethal to Nasods.. We must have a way to use it somehow..
  • Amos: It's not that easy, pong. These things are critical to our devices and we are currently unsure of other negative effects might have, pong.
  • Elsword: You mean we have to get rid of them all!
  • Raven: Every journey starts with its first step... Let's go.
  • Rena: Those two get along better than I thought
  • Amos: Alterasia has went down in numbers in the tunnel.. But Alterasias are quick to spread, pong. We need to take out the source or it will grow back, pong.
  • Elsword: The main host should be here somewhere! Let's find it!
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 76500   魔法石 x 1  
EXP 32310   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入运输通道B4-1“困难”
  • 净化寄生花厄泰拉西亚(运输通道B4-1“困难”)0/1
  • 运输通道B4-1的终端设置的巨大炮台是用来对付砰咕族的。但现在已然成为厄泰拉污染的根源。听亚摩斯的去运输通道B4-1净化寄生花厄泰拉西亚阻止污染扩散吧。
  • Amos: What? There's a giant Alterasia inside the Nasod Fortress, pong?
  • Elsword: We didn't know too, at first.. But when the fortress opened this big flower monster at came at us!
  • Amos: The Nasod must have trapped the Alterasia inside their fortress while abandoning it. Even the Nasods are scared of Alterasia, pong.
  • Adel: The problem is, pong..
  • Elsword: You're saying Alterasia can contaminate previous Altera?
  • Aisha: It... could be the worst possible outcome.
  • Adel: If you destroy the fortress, you should be able to escape the tunnel, pong. I wish you all the luck, pong!
  • Amos: You took care of it? That's a relief, pong. It will probably stop spreading but we must keep it in check in case one of them mutate again, pong.
  • Adel: After the tunnel is the plains, pong. Once you pass the plains there is a path that leads to the Core, pong. The entrance is heavily guarded by powerful Nasods, but in order to get to the Core, you must go through them, pong.
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 82100   Black Crow 羽毛装饰 x 12   暗黑克劳尔武器
EXP 34150   魔法石 x 1  
AP 0   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入厄泰拉平原“普通”以上
  • 纳斯德克里克(厄泰拉平原“普通”以上)0/12
  • 园艺用纳斯德TYPE-F(厄泰拉平原’普通以上)0/12
  • 平原末端(厄泰拉平原“普通”以上)
  • 厄泰拉岛的大半区域都属地势较低,那里的厄泰拉平原是纳斯德的领域。
  • 但是想要到厄泰拉核心必须经过厄泰拉平原。
  • 去清除厄泰拉平原纳斯德们确保道路吧。
  • Adel: As expected, you cannot get to the Core without passing the plains. That area is controlled by the Nasods and where they develop new Nasods, pong. They test and create them there, pong. Meaning there will be many prototypes with unknown powers, pong.
  • Elsword: Once we set foot in this place, we'll get targeted by the Nasod..
  • Agatha: It's very dangerous, pong! I don't think I can ever make it out alive from there, pong. Only I made it back in one piece from there Pong!
  • Raven: You made it out of Nasod area..? You must be a lot stronger than you look.
  • Aisha: Wow.. This one likes things difficult too.
  • Agatha: It wasn't as hard as I thought, pong!
  • Adel: Okay, Agatha. Please be careful, everyone, pong.
  • Elsword: Rat and Scorpion models... Nasod bastards are far ahead of what Wally created from before.
  • Adel: As expected, lots of different types of Nasods, pong. Recent Nasods seem to take shape of a life form, pong.
  • Aisha: There's one that used the power of Fire and Ice, kind of like spirits.
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 82100   武器强化石Lv.3 x 1  
EXP 34150   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 厄泰拉平原“中等”以上
  • 火之纳斯德:伊格尼斯(厄泰拉平原“中等”以上)0/1
  • 水之纳斯德:雷比亚坦(厄泰拉平原“中等”以上)0/1
  • 清除厄泰拉平原的隐患(厄泰拉平原“中等”以上)0/1
  • 驻守在厄泰拉平原控制元素的纳斯德。伊格尼斯和雷比亚坦是臭名昭著的双胞胎纳斯德。
  • 据说带着一个可以抵挡任何攻击的无敌盾牌,很难对付。
  • 厄泰拉平原 找到弱点破坏吧。
  • Adel: What? A Nasod that can use both fire and ice, pong? Twins that each red and blue... And they are being tested in the plains, now, pong? Reminds me of a Nasod that attacked our village, Pong. It resisted all attacks, pong. I heard it attacked us because it went rogue while in testing phase, pong. Those who feared and ran outside their home were frozen and the ones stayed inside the house burned to death, pong.
  • Elsword: No way..
  • Rena: There was really nothing that could have been done.
  • Raven: They started their test again, they must have enhanced it even more.
  • Adel: Just a thought of the incident makes me shiver, pong. It will be hard but please defeat it and help us keep our village safe, pong.
  • Adel: Barrier function was added? And you still managed to beat it, amazing, pong! If that thing attacked us again, we would have been wiped, pong..
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 82100
厄泰拉 鞋子  
EXP 34150   形状记忆合金 x 5  
AP 0   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入厄泰拉平原“困难”
  • 清除修克斯提(厄泰拉平原“困难”)0/10
  • 破坏从地底下突然冒出来使用电流的修克斯提不知道打倒了多少砰咕族。
  • 让砰咕族安心在厄泰拉平原行走清除危险的修克斯提吧。
  • Amos: Isn't the Shock Stick in the plains, annoying pong? It's actually not for intruders but rather those rogue Nasods. It send a high voltage shocks that even stops a giant Nasod with a single shock, pong.
  • Aisha: Electricity that can kill a Nasod with a single shock...? On a person that would be... Urr...
  • Elsword: You're the one to talk, Aisha!
  • Agatha: It is dangerous, pong. But with my thick fur those things are an easy pass, pong!
  • Raven: You... You are strong. No matter, we have to destroy it before the device turns on.
  • Adel: You've destroyed the Shock Stick and made it through the plains, good work pong!
  • Elsword: Altera Core is up ahead, Pong!
  • Rena: Cheer up, Pong!
  • Aisha: ..It's fun?
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 88800
厄泰拉 手套  
EXP 36090   形状记忆合金 x 5  
AP 0
上级药水 x 5  

EP.7 全面开战

任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入纳斯德生产基地“普通”以上
  • 寻找厄泰拉核心入口(纳斯德生产基地“普通”以上)
  • 克劳尔赛车手(纳斯德生产基地“普通”以上)0/1
  • 围绕厄泰拉岛的管状形态的卫星里有纳斯德生产基地。
  • 纳斯德来个不停,战斗也不会结束。调查纳斯德生产基地找到通往厄泰拉核心的路吧。
  • 阿德尔纳斯德在厄泰拉下层的像箱子一样的基地里制作出来。
  • 亚摩斯那生产基地在这座岛上是警戒最森严的地方,目前为止还没有砰咕族去过那里。
  • 阿德尔所以对那地方没有任何信息。厄泰拉平原肯定有什么地方可以到达那里的,你能不能去搜集一下线索?
  • 阿德尔安全回来啦!生产基地是什么样子的?
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 88800   魔法石 x 1  
EXP 36090   武器强化石Lv.3 x 1  
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入纳斯德生产基地“中等”以上
  • 纳斯德生产机器(纳斯德生产基地“中等”以上)0/4
  • 纳斯德生产机器不停生产出纳斯德。为了以后的战斗,要去破坏它。去纳斯德生产基地破坏纳斯德生产机器吧。
  • 亚摩斯嗯,完全是战斗型纳斯德的生产基地啊,我们砰咕族可不是对手啊。本来觉得如果是为了研究危险也可以不顾,但是听到你说的话以后完全没有想法了,砰。不管怎么样,多亏你收集信息,砰。尽量多破坏生产基地里的纳斯德生产装置吧,砰。那比击败一两个纳斯德更有效,砰!
  • 亚摩斯纳斯德很愤怒呢!已经切断了他们的补给线,应该很快会削弱的。
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 88800
厄泰拉 下衣  
EXP 36090   形状记忆合金 x 5  
AP 0   武器强化石Lv.3 x 1  
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入纳斯德生产基地“困难”
  • 克里克王(纳斯德生产基地“困难”)0/1
  • 纳斯德生产基地深处有个让砰咕族恐惧的纳斯德,就是巨大的克里克王。
  • 去清除纳斯德生产基地克里克王吧。
  • 艾达纳斯德生产基地的深处有个让砰咕族们惧怕的纳斯德,砰。是巨蝎纳斯德克里克王,砰。不可接近啊,砰。砰咕族的盾牌在克里克王的攻击下是手足无措啊,砰ππ。寻找纳斯德生产基地的克里克王让他成为古董吧,砰。让他尝尝爱和正义的力量,砰!
  • 艾达:果然~!是很坚硬,砰~
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 95900
厄泰拉 上衣  
EXP 38090   形状记忆合金 x 5  
AP 0   Intermediate Mana Potion x 10  
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入厄泰拉核心“普通”以上
  • 纳斯德君主(厄泰拉核心“普通”以上)
  • 纳斯德之王(厄泰拉核心“普通”以上)0/1
  • 终于到达了纳斯德的君主,纳斯德之王所在的厄泰拉核心
  • 虽然无数的纳斯德逼近,但不能就此止步。
  • 清除这些纳斯德找到纳斯德之王打倒吧。
  • 亚摩斯好啊。终于发现厄泰拉核心了,砰。不用多说了砰。去一决胜负吧,砰。
  • 亚摩斯没有解决掉吗,砰?什么,砰?是可以感觉到艾尔之力的装置,砰?
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 95900   魔法石 x 1  
EXP 38090    
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入厄泰拉核心“普通”以上
  • 艾尔力量抽取机-攻击型-(厄泰拉核心“普通”以上)0/2
  • 艾尔力量抽取机-防御型-(厄泰拉核心“普通”以上)0/2
  • 厄泰拉核心有些机器是用来吸收大陆各个地方的艾尔能量的。其中还有些是将艾尔能量提取出来注入到纳斯德身上达到强化的目的。去厄泰拉核心清除艾尔力量抽取机吧。
  • 亚摩斯厄泰拉核心的动力可能就是艾尔。
  • 阿德尔嗯,也许是吧,也没有其他理由这么搜集艾尔了。
  • 亚摩斯对,从记载上看纳斯德的动力源也是来自于艾尔的力量,平凡的纳斯德可能不需要,但特殊的纳斯德都是利用艾尔之力。厄泰拉核心里的艾尔力量提取机就是强化纳斯德的装置,在艾尔能量削弱之前毁掉那些提取机吧。
  • 亚摩斯真棒!艾尔能量可不是随便提取的燃料,不能让纳斯德随心所欲。
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 95900   防具强化石Lv.3 x 1  
EXP 38090    
AP 0    
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 进入厄泰拉核心“困难”
  • 发现灿烂的艾尔(厄泰拉核心“困难”)
  • 灿烂的艾尔(纳斯德之王,厄泰拉核心“困难”)0/1
  • 跟着罗尔访问“魔奇村庄”
  • 看到了纳斯德之王的巨大艾尔,那个就是魔奇村庄的艾尔吧。打倒纳斯德之王,找回灿烂的艾尔送回魔奇村庄!去 厄泰拉核心找回艾尔!
  • 阿德尔你看到了纳斯德之王拿着的巨大艾尔吗,砰?我觉得那就是你在寻找的艾尔,砰。
  • 亚摩斯清除纳斯德之王就能找到艾尔了,砰。祝你好运,砰。
  • 阿格特我注意你很久了,不错嘛,砰。是你的话肯定能打倒纳斯德之王,砰!
  • 阿德尔吼吼~人气不错,砰。那就祝你好运。
  • 夏格斯噢!终于找回艾尔了!
  • 罗尔不错嘛,新手冒险家!现在不能称为新手了。辛苦了。你是我们魔奇村庄的英雄!
  • 安娜辛苦了~!艾尔之树的光芒再次回来了。森林里的动物们也会安静下来的!真的很感谢~
  • 夏格斯呵呵呵~多亏你的帮忙,艾尔之树,森林都是再次丰饶起来的。但是你的冒险之旅可不能这样结束。最近大陆四处都发生着奇怪事情。将你的力量用于这个世界吧!那就希望你以后的旅程中充满了幸运!啊,对了,贝斯马的保安官也从远处来找你了。
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 103300   形状记忆合金 x 20   厄泰拉武器
EXP 40250   高级魔法石 x 10  
AP 0   宠物宝贝捡拾器(15天)  

  • 地区1~6
  • 地区7~12
  • 地区13~18
  • 地区19
  • 娜薇
  • 诺亚
  • 其他