Dans Elsword, l'équipement peut être amélioré pour augmenter ses statistiques de base. La plupart des équipement n'aura pas d'amélioration. Cependant, les équipements trouvables dans les donjons ou les boîtes peuvent être obtenus avec un niveau d'amélioration aléatoire allant jusqu'à +9.

Amélioration d'équipement

L'équipement peut être amélioré par un personnage ayant comme métier forgeron ou par un PNJ forgeron. Pour améliorer l'équipement, il vous faudra des PP et certains objets en fonction du type d'amélioration.

Types d'amélioration

Amélioration normal

Normal Enhancement is the default process of enhancing equipment. This type of enhancement can be used for enhancing equipment of all enhancement levels. This type of enhancement will only require a certain number of Blessed Enhancement Stones to perform.

This enhancement will yield one of the following effects:

  • +1 enhancement level
  • No change
  • -1 enhancement level
  • Enhancement level reset to +0
  • Equipment will break and becomes unusable (This occurs only at enhancement level +6 and higher)

Amélioration protégé

Protected Enhancement is the second type of enhancement. This type of enhancement can only be used on equipment at enhancement levels +4 ~ +10. This type of enhancement will require the use of Blessed Enhancement Stones and Blessed Fluorite Ores.

This enhancement will yield one of the following effects:

  • +1 enhancement level
  • No change
  • Equipment will break and becomes unusable (This occurs only at enhancement level +6 and higher)

Amélioration spécial

Protected Enhancement is the last type of enhancement. This type of enhancement can only be used on equipment at enhancement levels +11 ~ +12. This type of enhancement will require the use of Blessed Enhancement Stones and Blessed Fluorite Crystals.

This enhancement will yield one of the following effects:

  • +1 enhancement level
  • No change
  • -1 enhancement level
  • Equipment will break and becomes unusable

Amélioration perfectionnée

Article principal : Système de métiers#Amélioration perfectionnée

Advanced Enhancement is a type of enhancement that can only be used by characters with the Blacksmith profession.

Parchemins d'amélioration

Les équipements peuvent être instantanément améliorés à l'aide d'un Parchemin d'amélioration. Ils peuvent être obtenus en ouvrant des caisses, statues de glace, et via certains événements.

Image Nom Description
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 3 Améliore les équipements au niveau +3.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 4 Améliore les équipements au niveau +4.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 5 Améliore les équipements au niveau +5.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 6 Améliore les équipements au niveau +6.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 7 Améliore les équipements au niveau +7.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 8 Améliore les équipements au niveau +8.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 9 Améliore les équipements au niveau +9.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 10 Améliore les équipements au niveau +10.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 11 Améliore les équipements au niveau +11.
  Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 12 Améliore les équipements au niveau +12.
File:13Amulet.png Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 13 Améliore les équipements au niveau +13.

Item Requirements

Coût en PP

The cost of ED is dependent on the equipment's rarity and its reselling price at 100% durability. If the equipment is at enhancement level +9 or +10, the ED cost will be doubled. If the equipment is at enhancement level +11, the ED cost will be tripled.

Rarity ED Cost per Attempt
Common 25% of the resale price
Rare 25% of the resale price
Elite 37.5% of the resale price
Unique 50% of the resale price
Legend Perkisas: Weapon of Greed 37,800 ED
Eltrion MK2: Nasod Weapon 38,100 ED
Reawakened One's Weapon 0 ED

Matériaux d'amélioration

The amount of materials needed to perform each enhancement attempt is dependent on the type of enhancement used and the enhancement level of the equipment.

Niveau d'amélioration Amélioration normale Amélioration protégée Amélioration spéciale
Blessed Enhancement Stone Blessed Enhancement Stone Blessed Fluorite Ore Blessed Enhancement Stone Blessed Fluorite Crystal
+0 1 N/A N/A
+1 1 N/A N/A
+2 1 N/A N/A
+3 1 N/A N/A
+4 1 1 1 N/A
+5 1 1 1 N/A
+6 1 1 1 N/A
+7 3 3 2 N/A
+8 3 3 2 N/A
+9 5 5 3 N/A
+10 7 7 3 N/A
+11 9 N/A 9 1
+12 11 N/A 11 1

Blessed Restoration Scrolls

When a piece of equipment breaks, it will become unusable until it is restored through the use of Blessed Restoration Scrolls. The amount of scrolls needed to repair the equipment is dependent on its enhancement level.

Niveau d'amélioration Number of Scrolls Needed
+5 and lower N/A
+6 1
+7 1
+8 2
+9 2
+10 3
+11 3
+12 4


When upgrading, you need to take caution that as you further upgrade your equipment, the risk of the item downgrading/breaking/resetting will increase.

From +2 → +3 onwards, upgrade may be unsuccessful

From +3 → +4 onwards, upgrade may downgrade when unsuccessful (from +3 to +2 etc)

From +6 → +7 onwards, upgrade may break or reset. A broken piece of equipment can no longer be equipped or sold until it is fixed with a repair scroll (bought from other players or in the cash shop). A reset will downgrade equipment back down to +0.

From +11 → +12 onwards, Blessed Fluorite Ores that prevent downgrading/resetting can no longer be used. Blessed Fluorite Crystals can only prevent resetting.


Statistiques améliorées

By upgrading your items, the base stats will increase by a certain percentage. This does not include additional effects or socketed stats. Equipment can be enhanced up to enhancement level +13.

In addition to the increase in base stats, enhancement levels can also affect stats gained from Magic Stones. Magic Stones will have a higher chance of obtaining their maximum values if they are used on an equipment with a high enhancement level.

Enhancement Level Base Stat Change % Stat Difference
+0 100% 0%
+1 103% 3%
+2 106% 3%
+3 109% 3%
+4 116% 7%
+5 123% 7%
+6 130% 7%
+7 145% 15%
+8 160% 15%
+9 175% 15%
+10 215% 40%
+11 255% 40%
+12 295% 40%
+13 335% 40%
+14 375% 40%
+15 425% 50%
+16 475% 50%
+17 525% 50%
+18 575% 50%
+19 675% 100%
+20 875% 200%

Effets visuels

If weapons are enhanced to high enhancement levels, they will receive special visual changes to their appearance when equipped. These changes will only affect weapons and are purely cosmetic. These changes will also be visible when a weapon costume is equipped.

At +5 and +6, weapons will gain a shine effect where light will shine over it periodically. At +7 and +8, a light flow effect will be active, shining the weapon with light constantly. At +9 and +10, the light flow effect will be enhanced to give the weapon a blue outline. At +11 and +12, weapons will periodically emit electric sparks. At +13, the weapon will begin to emit a red aura and the previous effects, excluding the sparks, will be colored red.

Objets liés

Image Nom Description
File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone Item required to upgrade any armor and weapon with any enhancement method.
File:Blessed Fluorite Ore.png Blessed Fluorite Ore Item required to upgrade any armor and weapon with Protected Enhancement.
(Applicable to equipment at enhancement levels +4 ~ +10)
File:Blessed Fluorite Crystal.png Blessed Fluorite Crystal Item required to upgrade any armor and weapon with Special Enhancement.
(Applicable to equipment at enhancement levels +11 or +12)
  Blessed Restoration Scroll Item required to restore any broken armor and weapon.

Marteau d'Eldrit

The item El's Hammer is an optional item that can be used with any enhancement method except the old enhancement. The item will double the chance of getting a successful enhancement. However, the item will be consumed after it's used. Currently, the only way to obtain an El's Hammer is through the monthly quest [Monthly] The Blacksmith has lost his El's Hammer!.

Mensuel[Mensuel] The Blacksmith has lost his El's Hammer!
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description

Achieve Level 80

  • Clear 3 dungeons within your level range (excluding Ruben, Henir's Time and Space, and Ereda Island)
  • Play 3 Official PvP matches

Double the chance! Enhance with El's Hammer. Clear dungeons within your level range 3 times. Play 3 Official PvP matches. The quest can only be cleared 1 time per month.

Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 File:El's Hammer.png [Cobo] El's Hammer (7 Days)   N/A
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
PB 0   N/A   N/A



Un faux Parchemin d'améliora-tion niv. 13
  • Un faux Parchemin d'amélioration niv. 13 a été donné comme cadeau de poisson d'avril. La description indique que le parchemin est un simple bout de papier avec un 13 inscrit dessus.

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