[Passive] Attacks have a chance of reducing a target's Magical Defense. (Special Active/Hyper Active skill excluded)


Class Level Required
Magic Knight 40

Skill Information

Skill Level Character Level Activation Chance Magic Chain
Magic Defense Duration
1 40 5% -10% 6 Seconds
2 46 -20%
3 47 -30%
4 93 -??%

Tips and Details

  • Power Chain is only triggered by regular attacks and Actives; Special Actives do not apply.
  • Opponents under the effect of this skill are marked with a Power Chain icon.
  • This is one of the most important skills a Rune Slayer should have since it takes off a good amount of magic defense, which makes it ideal to use when in a party and playing in secret dungeons.
  • Combining this with Freezing creates a large gap, so you may want to consider having a person carry Freezing in a Magical Attack-focused party.


  • 02/14/2013 KR
    • Increased activation chance.
  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • Reduced chance and Magic Defense reduction.
  • 05/15/2014 KR
    • Defense reduction capabilities is decreased.
  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Reduced chance and Magic Defense reduction.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 마력의 사슬 Power Chain
  Japan 魔力の鎖 Magic Chain
  China (Simplified Chinese) 魔法锁链 Magic Shackle
  France Liens magiques Magical Chains
  United Kingdom Magical Shackles
  Brazil Grilhão mágico Magic Shackle
