[Special Active: Bravery] Use the arrow keys to set your target, then release the key to bomb the area with one massive bomb. Crosshair aiming and shooting range are visible to enemies. (Performed with Super Armor)
Cannonball Consumption
  • Uses 6 cannonballs
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required [Enhanced] Level Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level
Shooting Guardian 35 88 36 44

Skill Information

Character Level Damage Ammo Usage MP Usage Cooldown
Initial Impact
Explosion (Magical)
35 50% 8360% 6 300 MP 21 Seconds
[Enhanced] 88 60% 10032%

Skill Traits

Reversed Artillery Strike - Quantum Heavy Artillery Strike - Quantum Ballista
Level Required Attribute Effect Details Level Required Attribute Effect Details
MP Usage Cooldown Initial Impact Explosion Cooldown
36 MP Usage decreased to 80%
Cooldown increased to 150%
240 MP 31.5 Seconds 44 Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
70% 11704% 42 Seconds
[Enhanced] 88 84% 14044.8%

Tips and Details

  • Should be noted that lag can affect your aiming substantially, depending on the level of lag, the aiming reticle may move several seconds after input on in cases of extreme lag, the aiming reticle will never show up, wasting 300 MP.
    • This lag sensitiveness can also apply to the bomb itself, since in a scenario when the aim reticle is seconds-delayed and you are moving it, the bomb will fall behind proportionally to the seconds of delay and where the reticle was in that moment, so when aiming for a specific place, it is hinted to have the reticle still for a couple of seconds before firing.


  • 07/10/2014 KR
    • Damage increased.
    • Cooldown time decreased.
  • 04/20/2015 KR
    • Skill's hitbox changes to follow the visual effect, so the hitbox's location changes to be higher.
  • 01/14/2016 KR
    • Fixed characters freezing for 10 seconds when using the skill right before stage clear.
  • 04/21/2016 (KR) / 05/18/2016 (NA)
    • Fix aiming reticle being stuck in one direction.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 아틸러리 스트라이크 - 퀀텀 발리스타 Artillery Strike - Quantum Ballista
  Japan アーティラリーストライク - クァンタムバリスタ Artillery Strike - Quantum Ballista
  China (Simplified Chinese) 火炮攻击 - 量子炮 Artillery Strike - Quantum Cannon
  France Tir d'artillerie - Baliste Artillery shot - Ballista
