Enchantment Overview

El Shard (Mystery)

Elsword, like many other MMOs, has a unique Elemental Enchanting System. In Elsword, elemental stones are known as El Shards, and there are seven types: Fire, Water, Nature, Wind, Light, Dark, and Mystery.

El Shard Mystery Solver

El Shards can be found in all maps as a rare drop. It appears as a black crystal on the floor, and it is actually the Mystery El Shard. You can either collect them to get a random element enchanted or refine them by right clicking on them with an El Shard Mystery Solver (displayed on the right) in your inventory. Helen and all Alchemist NPCs located in any town sell these for 2000 ED.

The estimated probability of yielding a certain el shard from solving an el shard (mystery) is:


Shard Element Probability of shard
Fire 22.07%
Water 14.78%
Wind 21.87%
Nature 14.68%
Dark 13.20%
Light 13.40%


Shard Element Probability of shard
Fire 16.67%
Water 16.67%
Wind 16.67%
Nature 16.67%
Dark 16.67%
Light 16.67%

Enchanting weapons grants the ability to inflict status effects and gives the weapon a corresponding glow, while enchanting Armor adds resistance to the element type. It is possible to hybrid certain elements, explained later on.
The amount of possible enchants relies on the weapon's level. Typically it is two, but once weapons are level 40+, 3 elements become available.

Having element resistance decreases the chance of the element activating when you are hit by a matching elemental attack, and it also decreases the effects of said element on you(i.e. fire does less damage, dark drains less HP and MP, etc). The first armor enchantment grants 75 corresponding resistance, while the second bumps it up to 110, the third bumps it up to 135. The maximum resistance to a certain element is 500. With a resistance of 500, the element will have no effect on you whatsoever. Poison full resistance can be useful for a dungeon like 4-X in case the timer is at 0, in which case the player will be able to avoid the auto-poisoning from the time limit.

How to Enchant



  1. Go to any town alchemist and select Attributes.
  2. Select the armor or weapon you wish to enchant.
  3. Select the element you wish to enchant with.

The number of El Shards required depend on the level of the equipment. Armor enchanting is rather low in comparison to weapons.

The first enchantment on a weapon requires as many El Shards as half the weapon's level. The second enchantment on a weapon requires as many El Shards as 1.5 times the weapon's level. The third enchantment on a weapon requires as many El Shards as 3 times the weapon's level. Weapons of unique rarity add 2 levels to the formula.

For example if you were to enchant a Lv40 weapon with Fire for the first time, then it would require 20 Fire El Shards. If it was a unique Lv40 it would require 21 El Shards instead. For a second Enchantment, it would require 60 more El Shards.

If you ever wish to remove an element, you can do so by opening the attribute window via an alchemist by having one El Shard of any type in your inventory, select attribute equipment, and click Remove Attribute. Note: no El Shards will be regained through the process.


Depends on the grade of equip: Normal, Rare, Elite, or Unique.

Rarity Level Modifier
Common [Equipment Level] -4
Rare [Equipment Level] -2
Elite [Equipment Level] +0
Unique [Equipment Level] +2
Legend [Equipment Level] +4


1st enchantment [Level Modifier ÷ 2]

2nd enchantment [Level Modifier × 1.5]

3rd enchantment [Level Modifier × 3]

4th enchantment [Level Modifier × 6]


1st enchantment [Level Modifier ÷ 8]

2nd enchantment [Level Modifier × (3/8)]

3rd enchantment [Level Modifier × (3/4)]


When removing enchantments for different attributes, be sure to remove ALL at once if re-attributing to III enchantment. Failing to do so will result in the use of excessive El Shards.

Arena Set Weapons

The El Shards required for the new Arena Sets are treated as lv20, so they maintain consistent values as your character levels.
Here are the values for a sample weapon.

Element Abilities

Here is a full list of the effects of each element. There are two groups of elements; stacking and instant effect. When dual enchanting a weapon, you can only hybrid one element from each group. For example, you can mix Fire and Light, but mixing Water and Nature is impossible.

  • Mobs can randomly spawn with 1 (Up to Hard Mode and any Secret Dungeon modes except Luto Mode where a few mob appear with 1 elemental enchants) or 2 (Very Hard or in Secret Dungeon : Luto Mode) elemental enchants and they have a much higher chance of activating it. They can also gain magical or physical defenses.
    • On harder difficulties, depends of number of party members, they spawn more frequently.

Weapon Attack = (Magic Attack + Physical Attack) ÷ 2

  • In NA, this does not include enhancements and takes the weapon attack as if it was +0. On KR, it does include these, so Burning will do much more damage with a +9 weapon than a +4 weapon.

Each element upgrade will change it looks.

  • For Wind, Light and Dark attributes, their forms from a little light(Lv1), then to a brighter light(Lv2) and lastly a orb of swirling energy around the hand(Lv3).
  • For Fire, Water and Poison attributes, a small flame of the attributes' color will form and envelop the weapon(Lv1), then to a bigger flame(Lv2) and lastly same as Lv2 but will change attack outline of each characters(Lv3).

Stacking Elemental Effects

These elements' effects can be stacked up to three times each, hence the name of their group. The afflicted will have a tiny exclamation marks on top of the status effect bubble which indicate how strong the infliction; for example, if a weapon has 3 fire slots and inflicts thrice successfully within each infliction's time-frame, there will be 3 tiny exclamation marks on the bubble and the burn deals 360% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds.

  Fire (Burning)

Fire drastically deals DoT (damage over time). Its effect can be stacked up to three times. Increasing its enchantment level raises its chance of effect and the potency of damage it deals. Fire is the perfect damage addition when up against enemies with massive amounts of health. Although deadly in PvP, this element has had a drastic increase in people who stack up against it since Veteran Commander was released. Fire works especially well with fast attacking characters and high base attack power, like Elsword, Veteran Commanders, and Void Princesses. Ever since the Element Revamp, Fire can now kill.


Level Activation Chance Damage
(Based on weapon's +0 attack power)
1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks
Blaze 5% 60% 90% 120% 10 Seconds
Master Blaze 8% 120% 180% 240%
Triple Master Blaze 10% 180% 270% 360%


Level Activation Chance Damage
(Based on weapon's attack power)
MP Burn Per Second Duration
Base 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks
Blaze 5% 15% 25% 35% 120% 180% 240% -3 MP 5 Seconds
Master Blaze 8% 24% 40% 56% 240% 360% 480% -4 MP
Triple Master Blaze 10% 30% 50% 70% 360% 480% 720% -5 MP
Quadruple Master Blaze 12% 36% 60% 84% 480% 720% 960% -6 MP

  Water (Freezing)

Water drastically decreases movement speed and lowers the enemy's defense stats. This will also reduce the knockback distance that enemies will travel. Its effect can be stacked up to three times. Increasing its enchantment level highly raises its chance of effect and the amount of time the effects lasts for. Water makes it very difficult for opponents to run away in PvP. People tend to stack up against this the most because of this movement crippling effect. Water works especially well with characters that utilize trapping, such as Grand Archers, Night Watchers, and Elemental Masters. It is also particularly useful for Luto Mode in Secret Dungeons, due to monsters having extremely high defenses.


Level Activation Chance Movement Speed Reduction Defense Reduction Duration
1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks
Frozen 6% 30% 45% 60% 30% 45% 60% 10 Seconds
Master Frozen 12% 13 Seconds
Triple Master Frozen 15% 17 Seconds


Level Activation Chance Attack Speed Reduction Defense Reduction Duration
Base 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks
Frozen 6% 12% 18% 24% 20% 30% 40% 30% 45% 60% 10 Seconds
Master Frozen 12% 24% 36% 48% 13 Seconds
Triple Master Frozen 15% 30% 45% 60% 17 Seconds
Quadruple Master Frozen 18% 36% 54% 72% 20 Seconds

  Nature (Poisoning)

Nature slightly decreases attack speed and deals slight DoT (damage over time). Its effect can be stacked up to three times. Increasing its enchantment level raises its chance of effect, and the potency of damage it deals. Although not as strong as Fire, the reduced attack speed makes it a good compromise for PvP. Many players have an absolute resistance to Nature because it nullifies the threat of getting poisoned after the time counter ends in the Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area and stops Magmanta's poison. Nature works especially well with fast attacking characters with high base attack power or characters that can lock combos, such as Lord Knights and Wind Sneakers. Night Watcher also benefits from this greatly, as it helps her low damage output while gaining an advantage over high speed opponents such as Blade Master and Infinity Sword. Like Fire, Nature can also kill.


Level Activation Chance Damage
(Based on weapon's +0 attack power)
Attack Speed Reduction Duration
1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks
Poison 5% 44% 66% 90% 8% 12% 16% 10 Seconds
Master Poison 8% 90% 134% 180%
Triple Master Poison 10% 134% 202% 270%


Level Activation Chance Damage
(Based on weapon's attack power)
Movement/Jump Speed Reduction Duration
Base 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks 1 Stack 2 Stacks 3 Stacks
Poison 5% 10% 15% 20% 50% 75% 100% 30% 45% 60% 15 Seconds
Master Poison 8% 16% 24% 32% 100% 150% 200%
Triple Master Poison 10% 20% 30% 40% 150% 225% 300%
Quadruple Master Poison 12% 24% 36% 48% 200% 300% 400%

Instant Effect Elements

These elements' effects only work once each time they occur and do not stack, hence the name of their group.

  Wind (Piercing)

Wind ignores the enemy's defense and adds 40% more damage from the weapon's +0 attack power. When an attack activates Wind, the attack reduces knockdown by -10 (will take the lower value if the attack reduces knockdown as well). Increasing the enchantment level raises the chance of effect. This is not stacked very much on most of the servers, although there are people who heavily stack against this due to player preference. This enchantment works well on characters with high damage multipliers like Lord Knights, Rena, and Raven as well as multi-hitter specialists like Infinity Swords, Code Nemesis, and Crimson Avenger. Combined with a high critical hit ratio, the raw power of Wind is a force to be reckoned with.
Additionally, Wind Resistance will also increase player's resistance towards Bleeding.


Level Activation Chance Damage
(Based on weapon's +0 attack power)
Piercing 6% 40%*
Master Piercing 12%
Triple Master Piercing 15%
  • Currently bugged, damage is 80% instead of 40%.


Level Activation Chance Damage
(Based on weapon's attack power)
Piercing 6% 40%
Master Piercing 12%
Triple Master Piercing 15%
Quadruple Master Piercing 18%

  Light (Petrifying)

Light petrifies enemies, stopping them mid animation leaving them open to attacks for a short period of time. Increasing its level of enchantment raises its chance of effect, and the amount of time enemies are petrified. In dungeons, Shock's effect will reset monsters' hit counter after it wears off, allowing for longer combos before knocking them down. Being petrified is similar to having Super Armor. Light works especially well with strong one-hit attackers or fast multi-hit attackers such as like Blade Masters, Elemental Masters, and Add. However, this element can be disruptive and can cause early knockdowns in PvP due to bad timing, lag, or resistance.. Unfortunately, it does not take a high amount of light resistance to cause this defect. Light Element has most use in dungeons, where it can completely stop an enemy or boss from moving.
Additionally, Light Resistance will also increase player's resistance towards Stun.


Level Activation Chance Petrified Duration
Shock 5% 2 Seconds
Master Shock 8% 2.5 Seconds
Triple Master Shock 10% 3 Seconds


Level Activation Chance Petrified Duration Sclerosis
Attack Decrease Duration
Shock 5% 3 Seconds 30% 10 Seconds
Master Shock 8% 3.5 Seconds
Triple Master Shock 10% 4 Seconds
Quadruple Master Shock 12% 4.5 Seconds

  Dark (Plagued)

Dark drains a certain amount of HP and MP from enemies. Increasing its level of enchantment raises its chance of effect and the amount of HP and MP it drains. Dark works well with all characters, but works especially well with characters that have multiple-hit moves (Blade Master, Infinity Sword Optimus etc.) or have long-ranged attacks that hit multiple enemies (moves such as Armageddon Blade, passives such as Vibe Shot, etc.).

Usually, resistance against this element is not invested by players for PvE, however it is still a very common thing to stack up against it for PvP. Gaining the exact Snatch amount (x HP, 30 MP in Triple Master Snatch intensity) is nearly impossible since most players and monsters have resistance towards all elements, although gaining even a small amount of its maximum value might make a huge difference for both PvP and PvE. It is often considered to be the best and most useful element for most cases for all characters, and therefore tends to be more expensive in the Free Market than all the other stones.


Level Activation Chance HP Drain
(Based on weapon's +0 attack power)
MP Drain
Snatch 5% 40% 10 MP
Master Snatch 8% 80% 20 MP
Triple Master Snatch 10% 120% 30 MP


Level Activation Chance HP Drain
(Based on weapon's +0 attack power)
MP Drain
Snatch 5% 40% 6 MP
Master Snatch 8% 80% 12 MP
Triple Master Snatch 10% 120% 18 MP
Quadruple Master Snatch 12% 160% 24 MP

Dual Element Stones

Ingame description

Rare Element Stones that give various types of double enchantment on weapons per use. These are obtainable from events and potentially Ice Burners.
To use them, right click on them, then select the weapon.

All existing attributes will be wiped and replaced with that of the element stone.

Dual Element Stones are untradable.

IMPORTANT: These take TWO elemental slots, NOT just one, so there are no special advantages in using these rather than regular elemental stones.

Image Name Enchantment
File:DoubleFireES.png Refined El Shard (Burning Master) Gives a weapon Double "Burning" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleIceES.png Refined El Shard (Freezing Master) Gives a weapon Double "Freezing" effect enchantment.
File:DoublePoisonES.png Refined El Shard (Poison Master) Gives a weapon Double "Poisoning" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleWindES.png Refined El Shard (Piercing Master) Gives a weapon Double "Piercing" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleLightES.png Refined El Shard (Petrifying Master) Gives a weapon Double "Petrifying" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleDarkES.png Refined El Shard (Plague Master) Gives a weapon Double "Plagued" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleWindFireES.png Refined El Shard (Burning Piercing) Gives a weapon "Piercing" and "Burning" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleLightFireES.png Refined El Shard (Burning Petrifying) Gives a weapon "Petrifying" and "Burning" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleDarkFireES.png Refined El Shard (Burning Plague) Gives a weapon "Plagued" and "Burning" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleWindIceES.png Refined El Shard (Freezing Piercing) Gives a weapon "Piercing" and "Freezing" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleLightIceES.png Refined El Shard (Freezing Petrifying) Gives a weapon "Petrifying" and "Freezing" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleDarkIceES.png Refined El Shard (Freezing Plague) Gives a weapon "Plagued" and "Freezing" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleWindPoisonES.png Refined El Shard (Poison Piercing) Gives a weapon "Piercing" and "Poisoning" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleLightPoisonES.png Refined El Shard (Poison Petrifying) Gives a weapon "Petrifying" and "Poisoning" effect enchantment.
File:DoubleDarkPoisonES.png Refined El Shard (Poison Plague) Gives a weapon "Plagued" and "Poisoning" effect enchantment.


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