{{#switch: | Elsword= 骑士在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。


  1. 艾德村庄的武器店NPC兰帕德交谈。
  2. 在任意难度的瓦利城堡外围击杀15只炸弹猴
  3. 瓦利城堡外围【中等】以上难度击杀14只窃贼噗鲁盗贼噗鲁
  4. 艾德村庄的饰品店NPC路易莎交谈。
  5. 在15分钟内通关瓦利城堡外围【困难】。



| SK= 骑士在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
巨剑骑士的转职也可以通过商城物品巨剑骑士的证明 来完成。


  1. 瓦利城堡任何难度打倒:
    • 5个巨剑警卫兵
    • 8个十字弓士兵
  2. 以B以上评价通关瓦利城堡【中等】以上难度。
  3. 地下水路【困难】的邪恶鼠身上收集7个米奇尾巴
  4. 瓦利城堡【困难】的巨剑警卫兵身上收集一个拜德公国的许可证


| LK= 在35级时,巨剑骑士可以转职成骑士领主。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
骑士领主的转职也可以通过商城道具领主骑士任命书 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔交谈。
  2. 厄泰拉地区纳斯德怪物身上收集收集50个合金记忆
  3. 打倒:
  4. 沛塔村庄伦特交谈。
  5. 沛塔地区的所有格雷特怪物身上搜集100个格雷特袖标


| MK= 骑士在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
魔法骑士的转职也可以通过商城物品魔法骑士的证明 来完成。


  1. 瓦利城堡任何难度,打倒瓦利8号
  2. 地下水路【困难】的邪恶鼠身上收集7个米奇尾巴
  3. 以B以上评价通关瓦利城堡【中等】以上难度。
  4. 瓦利城堡【困难】的巨剑警卫兵身上收集一个拜德公国的许可证


| RS= 在35级时,魔法骑士可以转职成为符文杀手。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
符文杀手的转职也可以通过商城道具符文杀手任命书 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔交谈。
  2. 厄泰拉地区纳斯德怪物身上收集收集5个合金记忆
  3. 打倒:
  4. 沛塔村庄伦特交谈。
  5. 沛塔地区的怪物身上收集:
    • 格雷特死灵法师身上搜集10个净化的祝魔结晶
    • 岩石巨人类怪物身上搜集10个印上脚印的坚硬岩石
    • 从所有格雷特士兵身上搜集10个净化的力量之结晶


| ShK= 骑士在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
剑鞘骑士的转职也可以通过商城物品剑鞘骑士的证明 来完成。


  1. 艾德村庄的大商人霍夫曼交谈。
  2. 10分钟内通关地下水路【困难】。
  3. 通关瓦利城堡外围【困难】。
  4. 瓦利城堡【困难】的瓦利8号身上收集1个科内尔


| IS= 在35级时,剑鞘骑士能够转职成无尽之刃。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
无尽之刃的转职也可以通过购买商城道具无尽之刃的象征 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔交谈。
  2. 厄泰拉地区纳斯德怪物身上收集收集50个合金记忆
  3. 打倒:
  4. 沛塔村庄伦特交谈。
  5. 沛塔地区的所有格雷特怪物身上搜集10个月亮石


| Aisha= 法师在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。


  1. 以B以上评价通关瓦利城堡外围【中等】以上难度。
  2. 瓦利城堡外围【中等】以上难度击杀:
    • 14只窃贼噗鲁
    • 14只盗贼噗鲁
  3. 瓦利城堡外围【困难】收集:
    • 炸弹猴身上收集3个炸弹猴的工具
    • 威廉噗鲁(小Boss)身上收集1个特制螺丝帽
    • 地下水路【困难】的白色幽灵魔法师身上收集4个古木裂片
    • 购买或收集5瓶中级魔力药水



| HM= 爱莎在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
高阶魔导的转职也可以通过商城物品高阶魔导的证明 来完成。


  1. 瓦利城堡外围【困难】的威廉噗鲁(Boss)身上收集1个魔力控制项链
  2. 瓦利城堡任何难度下的十字弓士兵身上收集2个高级润滑油
  3. 50次被击以下通关瓦利城堡【中等】。
  4. 艾德村庄的炼金术师艾可交谈。


| EM= 在35级时,高阶魔导可以转职为元素导师。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
元素导师的转职也可以通过商城物品元素导师的转变 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔对话。
  2. 厄泰拉纳斯德怪物身上收集收集20个合金记忆
  3. 纳斯德生产基地任意难度下的纳斯德压路机身上收集5个钛合金刀刃
  4. 沛塔村庄阿雷格对话。
  5. 沛塔地区格雷特死灵法师身上收集40个魔界精灵石
    • 推荐在螺旋回廊的第一张地图,击杀唯一一只格雷特死灵法师后退出副本。


| DM= 法师在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
暗黑术师的转职也可以通过商城物品暗黑术师的证明 来完成。


  1. 以B以上评价通关瓦利城堡任何难度。
  2. 瓦利城堡【中等】以上难度击杀瓦利8号
  3. 被击60次以下通关瓦利城堡【困难】。
  4. 艾德村庄的大商人霍夫曼交谈。


| VP= 在35级时,暗黑术师可以转职为虚无公主。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
虚无公主的转职也可以通过商城物品虚无公主的契约 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔对话。
  2. 厄泰拉纳斯德怪物身上收集收集30个合金记忆
  3. 纳斯德生产基地任意难度下击杀100只袭击型纳斯德:TYPE-W9
    • 你可以留下一个纳斯德生产机器,让它为你源源不断地生产袭击型纳斯德:TYPE-W9
  4. 沛塔村庄阿雷格对话。
  5. 沛塔地区副本的Boss怪物身上收集14个高级魔族的象征


| BtM= 爱莎在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
萌幻法师的转职也可以通过商城物品萌幻法师的记忆 来完成。


  1. 艾德村庄的大商人霍夫曼交谈。
  2. 瓦利城堡外围【困难】的威廉噗鲁(Boss)身上收集1个魔力项链
  3. 瓦利城堡任意难度下击杀5个巨剑警卫兵、9个瘦子士兵和1个瓦利8号
  4. 通关瓦利城堡【困难】。


| DW= 在35级时,萌幻法师可以转职为次元魔女。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
次元魔女的转职也可以通过商城物品次元魔女的吊坠 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔对话。
  2. 厄泰拉纳斯德怪物身上收集20个合金记忆
  3. 纳斯德生产基地任意难度下的纳斯德压路机身上收集5个钛合金刀刃
  4. 沛塔村庄阿雷格对话。
  5. 沛塔格雷特死灵法师身上收集40个月亮石
    • 推荐在螺旋回廊的第一张地图,击杀唯一一只格雷特死灵法师后退出副本。


| Rena= 射手在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。


  1. 通关瓦利城堡外围任意难度。
  2. 地下水路【困难】的邪恶鼠身上收集7个米奇尾巴
  3. 艾德村庄的大商人霍夫曼交谈。
  4. 通关瓦利城堡外围【困难】。



| CR= 射手在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
冲锋者的转职也可以通过商城道具冲锋者的证明 来完成。


  1. 艾德村庄的珠宝商路易莎交谈。
  2. 瓦利城堡任何难度打倒8个胖子士兵和8个瘦子士兵
  3. 10分钟内通关瓦利城堡【中等】以上难度。
  4. 以B以上评价通关瓦利城堡【困难】。


| WS= 在35级时,冲锋者能够转职成风行者。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
风行者的转职也可以通过商城道具风行者的战术攻略 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔交谈。
  2. 厄泰拉地区纳斯德怪物身上搜集7个合金记忆
  3. 厄泰拉核心任何难度打倒纳斯德之王5次。
  4. 沛塔村庄的书记官阿雷格交谈。
  5. 沛塔地区打倒130个岩石巨人类怪物。


| SR= 射手在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
狙击者的转职也可以通过商城道具狙击者的证明 来完成。


  1. 艾德村庄的武器商兰帕德交谈。
  2. 瓦利城堡任何难度,从十字弓士兵身上搜集2个高级润滑油
  3. 瓦利城堡任何难度打倒12个十字弓士兵


| GA= 在35级时,狙击者可以转职为守护者。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
守护者的转职也可以通过商城道具守护者的弓术攻略 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔交谈。
  2. 纳斯德侦察兵:TYPE-L身上搜集5个探索核心
  3. 打倒:
  4. 沛塔村庄的书记官阿雷格交谈。
  5. 沛塔地区格雷特死灵法师身上搜集20个魔界的风之精灵石
    • 推荐在螺旋回廊的第一张地图,击杀唯一一只格雷特死灵法师后退出副本。


| TR= 射手在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
猎杀者的转职也可以通过商城道具猎杀者的灵魂 来完成。


  1. 艾德的炼金术师艾可说话。
  2. 通关瓦利城堡外围【困难】。
  3. 瓦利城堡【困难】的瓦利8号身上收集一个有关埃兰迪尔的论文


| NW= 在35级时,猎杀者可以转职成为夜袭者。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
夜袭者的转职也可以通过商城道具夜袭者的军衔 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔交谈。
  2. 厄泰拉地区纳斯德怪物身上搜集7个砰丝灯
    • 这些掉落物掉率不低,建议刷厄泰拉平原【普通】,甚至在没有完成一次副本时已经完成任务。
  3. 厄泰拉核心任何难度打倒纳斯德之王4次。
  4. 沛塔村庄的书记官阿雷格交谈。
  5. 沛塔地区格雷特死灵法师身上搜集20个纯洁的艾尔元素
    • 推荐在螺旋回廊的第一张地图,击杀唯一一只格雷特死灵法师后退出副本。


| Raven= 掠夺者在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。


  1. 在任意难度的瓦利城堡外围击败9只窃贼噗鲁
  2. 艾德的炼金术士艾可对话。
  3. 瓦利城堡外围【中等】以上难度击败威廉噗鲁(Boss)并取得班德斯的信件
  4. 瓦利城堡外围【困难】击败18只炸弹猴



| ST= 掠夺者在达到15级时可进行转职。
在完成了掠夺者的一系列转职任务后,掠夺者可以在烈刃武者, 狂心武者重装武者中选择一个分支进行下一步转职。
烈刃武者的转职也可以通过商城道具烈刃武者的提示 来完成。


  1. 艾德村庄的铁匠兰帕德交谈。
  2. 瓦利城堡任意难度的瘦子士兵胖子士兵身上获取10个拜德骑士团肩章
  3. 瓦利城堡【中等】以上难度的巨剑警卫兵身上收集1个拜德骑士团的仪仗剑
  4. 瓦利城堡【困难】的拜伦格特身上收集1个拜德骑士团剑术教本


| BM= 在35级时,烈刃武者可以转职为锋刃武者。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
锋刃武者的转职也可以通过商城道具锋刃武者的飞跃 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔对话。
  2. 厄泰拉地区纳斯德怪物身上收集30个合金记忆
  3. 在任意难度的纳斯德生产基地中的克劳尔布莱德身上收集1个纳斯德头领核心
  4. 沛塔村庄的近卫骑士伦特谈话。
  5. 沛塔区域的副本中击杀下列怪物:
    1. 120个格雷特长矛兵
    2. 80个格雷特装甲兵
    3. 120个格雷特死灵法师


| OT= 掠夺者在达到15级时可以进行第一次转职。
在完成了掠夺者的一系列转职任务后, 雷文可以在烈刃武者狂心武者重装武者中选择一个分支进行转职。
狂心武者的转职也可以通过商城道具狂心武者的提示 来完成。


  1. 瓦利城堡击败胖子士兵瘦子士兵各10个。
  2. 从中等以上难度的瓦利城堡瓦利8号身上取得瓦利8号的控制配件
  3. 艾德村庄的炼金术士艾可交谈。


| RF= 在35级时,狂心武者可以转职为末日武者。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
末日武者的转职也可以通过使用商城道具末日武者的核心 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔对话。
  2. 收集如下道具:
    • 纳斯德生产基地任意难度中的纳斯德压路机身上收集16个电子磁场发动机
    • 10个较小的艾尔晶体(分解28 ~ 37级装备获得)。
    • 2瓶上级体力药水(可以完成沛塔村庄阿雷格处的重复任务获得)。
  3. 收集:
    • 厄泰拉核心任意难度的袭击型纳斯德:TYPE-W9身上收集5个控制突击晶片
    • 厄泰拉核心任意难度的纳斯德警卫兵:精英盾牌身上收集20个合金保护碎片
  4. 沛塔村庄的近卫骑士伦特谈话
  5. 奉献之祭坛入口任意难度的杜拉翰公爵身上收集12个提炼好的黑暗钢铁


| WT= 掠夺者在达到15级可进行转职。
重装武者的转职也可以通过商城道具重装武者的启示 来完成。


  1. 艾德村庄的铁匠兰帕德谈话。
  2. 瓦利城堡外围威廉噗鲁(Boss)身上收集1个过热装置设计图
  3. 通关瓦利城堡【普通】以上难度。
  4. 瓦利城堡【困难】的瓦利8号身上收集1个装置核心


| VC= 在35级时,重装武者可以转职为绯焰武者。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
绯焰武者的转职也可以通过商城物品绯焰武者的徽章 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔对话。
  2. 厄泰拉地区副本中的纳斯德类怪物身上收集40个合金记忆
  3. 收集:
    • 厄泰拉核心任意难度中的纳斯德警卫兵:精英盾牌身上收集20个合金盾碎片
    • 厄泰拉核心火之纳斯德:尼克莉丝身上收集2个火焰之核
  4. 沛塔村庄的近卫骑士伦特谈话。
  5. 收集:


| Eve=

Eve's three job paths.

Eve is required to be Lv15 to begin her first class advancement.

Another Code

  1. Defeat William Phoru in 2-4 on any difficulty.
  2. Collect 4 drops from the White Ghost Magicians in 2-3 on Very Hard (☆☆☆)
  3. Kill 15 Bomber Mong and defeat William Phoru in 2-4 on any difficulty.
  4. Speak to Echo, the alchemist of Elder Village.

After completing the Another Code quest chain, Eve can decide between advancing as a Code: Exotic, Code: Architecture or Code: Electra.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Another Code.
Code: Exotic
Code: Architecture
Code: Electra

| CE= After completing the Another Code quest chain, Eve can decide between advancing as a Code: Exotic, Code: Architecture or Code: Electra.
Code Exotic can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Code: Exotic's Data.

Code: Exotic

  1. Collect 1 drop from 'Wally's Guardian' monsters in 2-5 on any difficulty.
  2. Collect 1 drop from Wally No. 8 in 2-5 on Hard difficulty or higher.
  3. Collect 'Repair Wrench' from 'Little Soldier' monsters in 2-5 on Hard difficulty or higher.
  4. Clear 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆) mode within 15 minutes.

At Lv35, a Code: Exotic can advance into a Code: Nemesis.

| CN= At Lv35, Code: Exotic can advance into Code: Nemesis. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Code Nemesis can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Nemesis's Blade.

Code Nemesis

  1. Speak with Adel in Altera Village.
  2. Defeat:
    • 9 Nasod monsters throughout the Altera region.
    • Crow Rider (Boss) 5 times in 4-5 on any difficulty.
  3. Collect:
    • 1 Navigation Core from Nasod Scout Type-L (Monster) in Altera region.
    • 1 Titanium Blade from Nasod Blader (Monster) in 4-5 on any difficulty.
    • 1 Nasod Leader Code from Crow Rider (Boss) at 4-5 on any difficulty. (Low Drop Rate)
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 3 drops from Durahan Knight in 5-1 on any difficulty.

You can [[Code:_Nemesis在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| CA= After completing the Another Code quest chain, Eve can decide between advancing as a Code: Exotic, Code: Architecture or Code: Electra.
Code: Architecture can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Code Architecture's Data.

Code: Architecture

  1. Collect 1 Bomber Mong's Apple from the Bomber Mongs in 2-4 on Hard or higher. (☆☆+)
  2. Collect 2 Tonfa Blades from the Little Soldiers at 2-3 on any difficulty.
  3. Collect 1 Velder Royal Etiquette Manual from Wally Guardian at 2-5 on Hard or higher. (☆☆+)
  4. Clear 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆) within 15 minutes.

At Lv35, a Code: Architecture can advance into Code: Empress.

| CEm= At Lv35, Code: Architecture can advance into Code: Empress. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Code Empress can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Empress's Tiara.

Code: Empress

  1. Talk to Altera Chief Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 1 Nasod Common Core from any Nasod monster in Altera. [Rare or Extremely rare drop]
  3. Collect:
    • 20 Electromagnetic Field Motors from Nasod Scout Type-L in 4-6.
      • Recommended playing only the first stage of 4-6 on very hard due to having 2 of them there.Will save a lot of time.
    • 10 Alchemy Essences
      • You can buy them from the Alchemist for 1000 ED.
  4. Talk to Lento in Feita
  5. Collect drops from monster throughout the Feita region:
    • 45 Fine Screw from any Glitter monsters.
    • 20 Soft Cloth from Lantern Fly.
    • 15 Golem Cores from any Golem monsters.

You can [[Code:_Empress在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| CEl= After completing the Another Code quest chain, Eve can decide between advancing as a Code: Exotic, Code: Architecture or Code Electra.
Code Electra can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Code Electra's Data.

Code Electra

  1. Speak to Lenphad, Blacksmith in Elder Village.
  2. Collect 1 Spectral Prism from William Phoru (Boss) in 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  3. Collect 1 Laser Firing Device from (Wally No.8) in 2-5 on any Difficulty.
  4. Complete 2-5 once on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Code: Electra can advance into Code: Battle Seraph.

| CBS= At Lv35, Code: Electra can advance into Code: Battle Seraph. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Code: Battle Seraph can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: El Core of the Seraph.

Code: Battle Seraph

  1. Speak with Adel in Altera Village.
  2. Collect 7 Memory Alloys from any Nasod monsters in Altera.
    • Destroy 90 Nasod Units in Altera Core 4-6
    • Collect 4 King Nasod Cores from Nasod King in Altera Core 4-6.
      • 4 rounds of Normal Mode is sufficient.
  3. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  4. Collect 40 Moonstones from Glitter Necromancers in Feita.
    • Recommended 5-3 in party.
    • An alternative is Spiral Corridor on Normal, kill the Necromancer on the first map then leave.
      • Be sure to unequip your gear after killing the Necromancer so they do not lose durability.

You can [[Code:_Battle_Seraph在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| Chung=

Chung's three job paths.

Chung is required to be Lv 15 to begin his first class advancement.


  1. Defeat William to collect one drop from him on 2-4 on any difficulty .
  2. Talk to Elder's blacksmith, Lenphad.
  3. Defeat William on 2-4 on hard (☆☆) or higher.
  4. Clear 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

After completing the Guardian quest chain, Chung can decide between advancing as a Shooting Guardian, Fury Guardian or Shelling Guardian.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Guardian.
Fury Guardian
Shooting Guardian
Shelling Guardian

| FG= After completing the Guardian quest chain, Chung can decide between advancing as a Fury Guardian, Shooting Guardian or Shelling Guardian.
Fury Guardian can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Fury Guardian's Righteousness.

Fury Guardian

  1. Defeat Wally #8 from 2-5 on any difficulty.
  2. Clear 2-5 on Hard (☆☆) mode within 10 minutes.
  3. Speak to Echo in Elder.
  4. Complete 2-5 in Very Hard (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Fury Guardian can advance into an Iron Paladin.

| IP= At Lv35, Fury Guardian can advance into Iron Paladin. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Iron Paladin can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Paladin's Courage.

Iron Paladin

  1. Speak to Adel in Altera
  2. Collect 30 drops from Nasod monsters throughout the Altera region.
    • Recommended 4-5 Very Hard Mode.
  3. Defeat the Nasod King in 4-6 4 times.
  4. Speak to Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 12 drops in total from bosses in Feita.
    • It's easiest to get them from 5-4 as it will give up to 3 drops per run. Big party is recommended.

You can [[Iron_Paladin在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| SG= After completing the Guardian quest chain, Chung can decide between advancing as a Fury Guardian, Shooting Guardian or Shelling Guardian.
Shooting Guardian can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Shooting Guardian's Righteousness.

Shooting Guardian

  1. Clear 2-5 on any Difficulty without being hit more than 30 times.
  2. Talk to Luichel, the Accessory Shop Owner.
  3. Defeat 14 Big Soldiers and 14 Soldiers on 2-5 on Hard Mode (☆☆).
  4. Clear 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆) within 15 minutes.

At Lv35, a Shooting Guardian can advance into a Deadly Chaser.

| DC= 在35级时,银翼护卫可以转职成致命追击者。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
致命追击者的转职也可以通过商城道具追击者的形象 来完成。


  1. 厄泰拉村庄的长老阿德尔交谈。
  2. 纳斯德生产基地任何难度,打倒20个纳斯德压路机
  3. 纳斯德核心任何难度,打倒3次纳斯德之王
  4. 沛塔村庄的近卫骑士伦特交谈。
  5. 沛塔地区的怪物身上收集:
    • 格雷特死灵法师身上搜集10个净化的祝魔结晶
    • 岩石巨人类怪物身上搜集10个印上脚印的坚硬岩石
    • 从所有格雷特士兵身上搜集10个净化的力量之结晶


| HG= After completing the Guardian quest chain, Chung can decide between advancing as a Fury Guardian, Shooting Guardian or Shelling Guardian.
Shelling Guardian can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Shelling Guardian's Righteousness.

Shelling Guardian

  1. Talk to Echo in Elder.
  2. Defeat William Phoru to collect one Ether Flask on 2-4 on Very Hard(☆☆☆).
  3. Defeat Wally-8 to collect a centrifuge from him on 2-5 on Normal Mode(☆) or above.
  4. Clear 2-5 on Very Hard(☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Shelling Guardian can advance into a Tactical Trooper.

| TT= At Lv35, Shelling Guardian can advance into Tactical Trooper. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Tactical Trooper can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Trooper Tactics.

Tactical Trooper

  1. Speak with Adel, the Elder of the Ponggos in Altera.
  2. Collect 30 IC chips ZX-32 from Nasod units in Altera.
    • Recommended 4-5 Very Hard Mode.
  3. Collect 4 drops from Nasod King in 4-6.
    • Recommended 4-6 Normal Mode for stamina saving.
  4. Upon accept part 3, you will receive a Disfrozen portal. Deliver the portal to Lento in Feita. Do not discard the portal.
  5. Collect 13 dark crystal from any Feita Bosses from 5-1 to 5-3.

You can [[Tactical_Trooper在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| Ara=

Ara's three job paths.

Ara is required to be Lv 15 to begin her first class advancement.

Little Xia

  1. Clear 2-4 Hard mode or higher at B rank or higher.
  2. Collect 2 Mechanical Steel from Nasod Banthus at 2-3 in any mode.
  3. Clear 2-2 Hard mode or higher 2 times.
  4. Clear 2-5 Hard mode or higher at B rank or higher.

After completing the Little Xia quest chain, Ara can decide between advancing as Little Hsien, Little Devil or Little Specter.
Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Little Xia.
Little Hsien (小仙)
Little Devil (小魔)
Little Specter (小妖)

| LH= After completing the Little Xia quest chain, Ara can decide between advancing as a Little Hsien, Little Devil or Little Specter.
Little Hsien can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Little Hsien's Oath.

Little Hsien

  1. Talk to Echo.
  2. Clear 2-3 Hard or Very Hard mode within 8 minutes.
  3. Clear 2-4 Very Hard mode 2 times.
  4. Clear 2-1 Very Hard mode while taking less than 20 hits.

At Lv35, a Little Hsien can advance into Sakra Devanam.

| SD= At Lv35, Little Hsien can advance into Sakra Devanam. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Sakra Devanam can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Sakra Devanam's Oath.

Sakra Devanam

  1. Speak with Adel, the Elder of the Ponggos in Altera.
  2. Collect 30 Memory Alloys from nasod units in Altera.
  3. Defeat:
    • 4 Crow Rider in 4-5 on any difficulty.
    • 3 Nasod King in 4-6 on any difficulty
      • Recommended play dungeon on normal mode for saving stamina.
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 100 drops [Glitter Insignia] from Glitter Monsters in dungeons at Feita.
    • In KR and EU Server, its quest descriptions showns that this quest items only drop for Glitter Defender, Glitter Archer, Glitter Spearman and Glitter Necromancer. This is incorrect as Glitter Pounder also drop this quest item.

You can [[Sakra_Devanam在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| LD= After completing the Little Xia quest chain, Ara can decide between advancing as a Little Hsien, Little Devil or Little Specter.
Little Devil can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Little Devil's Seal.

Little Devil

  1. Talk to Luichel.
  2. Clear 2-3 Hard or Very Hard 2 times.
  3. Clear 2-4 Very Hard mode 2 times.
  4. Clear 2-5 Very Hard mode 3 times.

At Lv35, a Little Devil can advance into Yama Raja.

| YR= At Lv35, Little Devil can advance into Yama Raja. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Yama Raja can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Butterfly of the Yama.

Yama Raja

  1. Speak with Adel, the Elder of the Ponggos in Altera.
  2. Collect 30 Memory Alloys from Nasods on any difficulty.
  3. Defeat:
    • 4 Crow Rider in 4-5 on any difficulty.
    • 3 Nasod King in 4-6 on any difficulty.
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 100 Glitter Insignias from Glitter Monsters in dungeons at Feita
    • Recommended: 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3.
    • In KR and EU Server, its quest descriptions showns that this quest items only drop for Glitter Defender, Glitter Archer, Glitter Spearman and Glitter Necromancer. This is incorrect as Glitter Pounder also drop this quest item.

You can [[Yama_Raja在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| LS= After completing the Little Xia quest chain, Ara can decide between advancing as a Little Hsien, Little Devil or Little Specter.
Little Specter can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Little Specter's Pact .

Little Specter

  1. Talk to Echo.
  2. Collect Broken Sword and Machinery from Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on any difficulty.
  3. Collect a Flawless Nasod Mechanism from Wally No.8 in 2-5 on Very Hard.
  4. Talk to Echo.

At Lv35, a Little Specter can advance into Asura.

| ASu= At Lv35, a Little Specter can advance into Asura. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Asura can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Asura's Pact.


  1. Speak with Adel, the Elder of the Ponggos in Altera.
  2. Collect 30 Nasod Components from Nasods on any difficulty.
  3. Acquire 4 parts of the King Nasod's Core on 4-6 on any difficulty.
  4. Speak with Allegro in Feita.
  5. Collect drops from monsters throughout the Feita region:
    • 40 Necromancer's Seals from Glitter Necromancers (5-3 is recommend).
    • 3 of Amethyst's Sealed Charms on 5-3 on Very Hard.

You can [[Asura在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| Elesis=

Elesis' three job paths.

Elesis is required to be Lv15 to begin her first class advancement.

Free Knight

  1. Talk to Hoffman in Elder.
  2. Clear 2-1 any difficulty 2 times.
  3. Clear 2-2 Hard (☆☆) or Higher 2 times.
  4. Clear 2-3 Hard (☆☆) or Higher 3 times.

After completing the Free Knight quest chain, Elesis can decide between advancing as a Saber Knight, Pyro Knight or Dark Knight.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Free Knight.
Saber Knight
Pyro Knight
Dark Knight

| SaK= After completing the Free Knight quest chain, Elesis can decide between advancing as a Saber Knight, Pyro Knight or Dark Knight.
Saber Knight can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Saber Knight's Determination.

Saber Knight

  1. Talk to Hoffman in Elder.
  2. Collect a Seal of Nobility from William in 2-4 Very Hard (☆☆☆)
  3. Clear 2-5 Very Hard (☆☆☆) 2 times.
  4. Collect a Machine Core from Wally No. 8 in 2-5 Very Hard (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Saber Knight can advance into a Grand Master.

| GM= At Lv35, Saber Knight can advance into Grand Master. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Grand Master can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Grand Master's Neck Pendent.

Grand Master

  1. Speak with Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 50 Memory Alloys from any Nasod monsters in the Altera region on any difficulty.
  3. Defeat:
    • Crow Rider 3 times in 4-5 on any difficulty.
    • King Nasod 3 times in 4-6 on any difficulty.
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 100 Glitter Rations from any Glitter monsters in the Feita region on any difficulty.
    • In KR and EU Server, its quest descriptions showns that this quest items only drop for Glitter Defender, Glitter Archer, Glitter Spearman and Glitter Necromancer. This is incorrect as Glitter Pounder also drop this quest item.

You can [[Grand_Master在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| PK= After completing the Free Knight quest chain, Elesis can decide between advancing as a Saber Knight, Pyro Knight or Dark Knight.
Pyro Knight can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Pyro Knight's Determination.

Pyro Knight

  1. Clear 2-1 Very Hard (☆☆☆) 2 times.
  2. Talk to Echo in Elder.
  3. Clear 2-3 Hard (☆☆) or Higher 2 times.
  4. Clear 2-5 Very Hard (☆☆☆) 3 times.

At Lv35, a Pyro Knight can advance into a Blazing Heart.

| BH= At Lv35, Pyro Knight can advance into Blazing Heart. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Blazing Heart can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Blazing Heart's Pendant

Blazing Heart

  1. Speak with Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 5 Memory Alloys from any Nasod monsters in the Altera region on any difficulty.
  3. Defeat:
    • Crow Rider 3 times on 4-5 on any difficulty.
    • Nasod King 3 times on 4-6 on any difficulty.
  4. Speak with Allegro in Feita.
  5. Collect drops from monsters throughout the Feita region:
    • 10 Refined Magic Crystals from Glitter Necromancers.
    • 10 Solidified Lava Rock from any Golems.
    • 10 Refined Power Crystals from any Glitter Monsters.
      • Recommended 5-1 or 5-2 for Golems and Glitter Monster drops. For Necromancers, 5-3 is recommended.
      • Strangely, the Refined Magic Crystal's drop rate in 5-2 is higher than other dungeons.

You can [[Blazing_Heart在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| DK= After completing the Free Knight quest chain, Elesis can decide between advancing as a Saber Knight, Pyro Knight or Dark Knight.
Dark Knight can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Dark Knight's Mark

Dark Knight

  1. Defeat Nasod Banthus in 2-3 Hard or higher.
  2. Talk to Luichel
  3. Defeat Wally No. 8 in 2-5 Very Hard.
  4. Talk to Luichel

At Lv35, Dark Knight can advance into Crimson Avenger.

| CrA= At Lv35, Dark Knight can advance into Crimson Avenger. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Crimson Avenger can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Crimson Avenger's Stamping.

Crimson Avenger

  1. Speak with Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 60 drops from Nasods in Altera.
  3. Speak with Allegro in Feita.
  4. Kill 400 Demons in Feita.
  5. Kill 80 Necromancers and then get 1 drop from Amethyst on Very Hard.

You can [[Crimson_Avenger在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| Add=

Add's three job paths.

Add is required to be Lv15 to begin his first class advancement.


  1. Defeat Boss: William in 2-4 twice on any difficulty.
  2. Defeat Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on hard or higher.
  3. Talk to the alchemist Echo in Elder.
  4. Collect Cleaning Tools from Little Soldier in 2-5.

After completing the Tracer quest chain, Add can decide between advancing as a Psychic Tracer, an Arc Tracer, or a Time Tracer.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Tracer.
Psychic Tracer
Arc Tracer
Time Tracer

| PT= After completing the Tracer quest chain, Add can decide between advancing as a Psychic Tracer, Arc Tracer or Time Tracer.
Psychic Tracer can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Psychic Harddisk.

Psychic Tracer

  1. Collect 4 Cave Melons from Bats in 2-2.
  2. Collect a Nasod Mechanical Device from Wally No.8 on 2-5 on any difficulty.
  3. Collect a Spanner for repair from Little Soldier on 2-3 on any difficulty.
  4. Complete 2-5 on Very Hard Mode with at least A rank.

At Lv35, a Psychic Tracer can advance into a Lunatic Psyker.

| LP= At Lv35, Psychic Tracer can advance into Lunatic Psyker. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Lunatic Psyker can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Power of Madness.

Lunatic Psyker

  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 7 Memory Alloys from Nasod monsters in Altera.
  3. Defeat King Nasod in 4-6 4 times on Very Hard Mode(☆☆☆).
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 40 Moonstones from Glitter Necromancers in Feita.

You can [[Lunatic_Psyker在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| AT= After completing the Tracer quest chain, Add can decide between advancing as a Psychic Tracer, an Arc Tracer, or a Time Tracer.
Arc Tracer can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Arc Harddisk.

Arc Tracer

  1. Collect 4 drops from Bats in 2-2 on any difficulty.
    • It would be easiest to just run 2-2 on Normal mode, kill the first 2 bats in only the first map of the stage, leave, and reenter until you get all 4.
    • These drops are relatively easy to obtain in only a few runs.
  2. Collect 1 drop from Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on any difficulty.
  3. Collect 1 drop from Wally No. 8 on Hard Mode (☆☆) or above.
  4. Clear 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆) 2 times.

At Lv35, a Arc Tracer can advance into a Mastermind.

| MM= At Lv35, Arc Tracer can advance into Mastermind. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Mastermind can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Power of Mind.


  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 7 drops from Nasods in Altera.
  3. Collect:
    • 4 drops from Ignis and Levithan in 4-4 Very Hard
    • 2 drops from Crow Rider in 4-5 Very Hard
    • 1 drop from King Nasod in 4-6 Very Hard.
  4. Talk to Allegro in Feita
  5. Collect:
    • 1 drop from Durahan in 5-1 Very Hard
    • 1 drop from Teach the Tyrant in 5-2 Very Hard
    • 1 drop from Amethyst in 5-3 Very Hard

You can [[Mastermind在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| TiT= After completing the Tracer quest chain, Add can decide between advancing as a Psychic Tracer, an Arc Tracer, or a Time Tracer.
Time Tracer can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Time Harddisk

Time Tracer

  1. Talk to Echo.
  2. Collect Lock of Banthus's Hair from 2-3 on any difficulty.
  3. Collect 2 Nasod Safety Device from 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  4. Talk to Echo.

At Lv35, a Time Tracer can advance into a Diabolic Esper.

| DE= At Lv35, Time Tracer can advance into Diabolic Esper. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Diabolic Esper can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Power of Time and Space.

Diabolic Esper

  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 60 Nasod Scrap Metal from Nasods in Altera.
  3. Talk to Glave in Feita
  4. Defeat Amethyst in 5-3 & Berthe in 5-6 8 times each on Very Hard (☆☆☆)
  5. Talk to Glave in Feita

You can [[Diabolic_Esper在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| LuCiel=

Lu/Ciel's three job paths.

Lu/Ciel are required to be Lv.15 to begin their first class advancement.

Demon Power

  1. Collect 20 drop from bandits in Wally's Memorial Bridge.
  2. Clear 2-3 Hard (☆☆) or Higher once.
  3. Collect 8 drops from Bomber Mong in 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  4. Clear 2-1 Very Hard (☆☆☆) once.

After completing the Demon Power quest chain, Lu/Ciel can decide between advancing as a Chiliarch or Royal Guard.
Please be aware that only Lu or Ciel will be able to advance while the other will remain as their base job until 2nd job at Lv. 35.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Demon Power.
Royal Guard

| ChA= After completing the Power Awaken quest chain, Lu/Ciel can decide between advancing as a Chiliarch/Ciel, Lu/Royal Guard or Diabla/Ciel.
Chiliarch/Ciel can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Chiliarch's Soul .


  1. Collect 1 drop from Enraged Ent in 2-1 on Normal (☆) or higher.
  2. Collect 1 drop from Awakened Banthus in 2-2 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  3. Collect 10 drops from Jango or Kid Phoru in 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  4. Defeat Wally No.8 in 2-5 Very Hard mode (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Chiliarch/Ciel can advance into an Chiliarch/Dreadlord.

| DL= At Lv35, Chiliarch/Ciel can advance into Chiliarch/Dreadlord. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Chiliarch/Dreadlord can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Dreadlord's Authority .


  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Defeat 20 Nasod Blader at 4-5 on any difficulty.
  3. Collect 30 IC chips ZX-32 from Nasods in Altera. (Recommendation 4-3 Transporting Tunnels B4-1 on Very Hard mode)
  4. Collect 12 Dark Steel item from the Durahan Knight in 5-1 on any difficulty.
  5. Collect 1 drop from the Teach the Tyrant in 5-2 on Very Hard.

You can [[Dreadlord在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| RG= After completing the Power Awaken quest chain, Lu/Ciel can decide between advancing as a Chiliarch/Ciel, Lu/Royal Guard or Diabla/Ciel.
Lu/Royal Guard can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Royal Guard's Soul .

Lu/Royal Guard

  1. Defeat the following monsters in 2-3 Very Hard mode (☆☆☆):
    • 6 Little Soldier
    • 5 Big Soldier
  2. Collect a drop from William Phoru in 2-4 Very Hard mode (☆☆☆).
  3. Collect a drop from Awakened Banthus in 2-2 Very Hard mode (☆☆☆).
  4. Defeat Wally No.8 in 2-5 Very Hard mode (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Lu/Royal Guard can advance into an Noblesse/Royal Guard.

| Nob= At Lv35, Lu/Royal Guard can advance into Noblesse/Royal Guard. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Noblesse/Royal Guard can also be advanced by using the Cash Shop item: Noblesse's Authority .

Noblesse/Royal Guard

  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect:
    • 1 Navigation Core from Nasod Scout Type-L (Monster) in Altera region.
      • A time and stamina-saving strategy for this drop would be to defeat only the scouts in the first map of 4-4, as there are several, making an entire run unnecessary and inefficient.
    • 1 Titanium Blade from Nasod Blader (Monster) in 4-5 on any difficulty.
    • 1 Nasod Leader Code from Crow Rider (Boss) at 4-5 on any difficulty (Low drop rate).
  3. Collect:
    • 5 drops from Assault Nasod: Type-W9 in 4-6 on any difficulty.
    • 20 drops from Elite Nasod Guard: Shield at 4-6 on any difficulty.
  4. Defeat:
    • 3 Crow Rider at 4-5 on any difficulty.
    • 3 King Nasod at 4-6 on any difficulty.
  5. Collect 1 drop from Durahan Knight at 5-1 on Very Hard.

You can [[Noblesse在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| DB= 觉醒的力量在达到15级时可进行第一次转职。
深渊邪灵的转职也可以通过商城物品深渊邪灵的觉悟 来完成。


  1. 通关任意难度的黑暗森林
  2. 幽暗酒吧任意难度的重装班德斯身上收集1个班德斯的戒指
  3. 艾德村庄的大商人霍夫曼交谈。
  4. 通关瓦利城堡外围【困难】。


| Dem= 在35级时,深渊邪灵可以转职为幽幻恶魔。二转任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的阿莉尔处接收。
幽幻恶魔的转职也可以通过商城物品幽幻恶魔的角 来完成。


  1. 通关运输通道B4-1任意难度。
  2. 从任意难度纳斯德核心纳斯德之王身上收集8个硬化纳斯德合金
  3. 从任意难度奉献之祭坛入口杜拉翰公爵身上收集6个杜拉翰的灵魂石
  4. 沛塔村庄伦特交谈。
  5. 地下礼堂困难难得的紫炎领主身上收集5个紫炎领主的封印链


| Rose=

Rose's four job paths.

Rose is required to be Lv.15 to begin her first class advancement.


  1. Clear 2-4 on Very Hard Mode (☆☆☆).
  2. Talk to Echo in Elder.
  3. Clear 2-3 on Hard mode or higher (☆☆) twice.
  4. Kill Wally No.8 in 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

After completing the Jamming quest chain, Rose can decide to advance as a Heavy Barrel, Bloodia, Valkyrie or Metal Heart.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Jamming.
Heavy Barrel
Metal Heart

| HB= After completing the Jamming quest chain, Rose can decide to advance as a Heavy Barrel, Bloodia, Valkyrie or Metal Heart.
Heavy Barrel can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Heavy Barrel's Bullet .

Heavy Barrel

  1. Collect Broken Nasod Mechanism from Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on any difficulty.
  2. Collect Repair Wrench from Little Soldier in 2-5 on Hard (☆☆) or above.
  3. Collect Steel Banthus' Metal Weapon in 2-2 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  4. Collect Energy Core from Wally No. 8 in 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Heavy Barrel can advance into a Storm Trooper.

| StT= At Lv35, Heavy Barrel can advance into Storm Trooper. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Storm Trooper can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Storm Trooper's Medal .

Storm Trooper

  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Gather 30 Nasod Components from Nasod enemies in any Altera dungeon (4-6 recommended).
  3. Gather 4 drops from 4-6 Boss on Normal Mode or higher (☆).
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 40 Moonstones from Glitter Necromancers in Feita.

You can [[Storm_Trooper在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| BD= After completing the Jamming quest chain, Rose can decide to advance as a Heavy Barrel, Bloodia, Valkyrie or Metal Heart.
Bloodia can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Bloodia's Bullet .


  1. Collect Broken Nasod Mechanism from Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on any difficulty.
  2. Collect Repair Wrench from Little Soldier in 2-5 on Hard (☆☆) or above.
  3. Clear 2-5 in 10 minutes on Hard (☆☆) or above.
  4. Collect Energy Core from Wally No. 8 in 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Bloodia can advance into a Crimson Rose.

| CrR= At Lv35, Bloodia can advance into Crimson Rose. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel.
Crimson Rose can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Crimson Rose's Seal .

Crimson Rose

  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Gather 30 Nasod Cores from any Altera dungeon(4-6 recommended)
  3. Defeat 4-6 boss 4 times on Normal Mode or higher (☆).
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Defeat 80 Glitter Alchemists and 1 Dark El from 5-3 boss.

You can [[Crimson_Rose在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| VR= After completing the Jamming quest chain, Rose can decide between advancing as a Heavy Barrel, Bloodia, Valkyrie or Metal Heart.
Valkyrie can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Valkyrie's Wings .


  1. Collect Broken Nasod Mechanism from Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on any difficulty.
  2. Collect Repair Wrench from Little Soldier in 2-5 on Hard (☆☆) or above.
  3. Talk to Lenphad in Elder.
  4. Collect Energy Core from Wally No. 8 in 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Valkyrie can advance into a Freyja.

| FY= At Lv35, Valkyrie can advance into Freyja. The second class advancement quest is obtained from ???.
Freyja can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Freyja's Blessing .


  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 30 Nasod Components from Nasod enemies in any Altera dungeon (4-6 recommended).
  3. Collect 4 King Nasod Cores from King Nasod on 4-6 Normal Mode or higher (☆).
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 40 Moonstones from Glitter Necromancers in Feita.

You can [[Freyja在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| MH= After completing the Jamming quest chain, Rose can decide between advancing as a Heavy Barrel, Bloodia, Valkyrie or Metal Heart.
Metal Heart can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Metal Heart's Bullet .

Metal Heart

  1. Collect Improved Nasod Power Unit from Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on any difficulty.
  2. Collect Nasod Modifying Tools from Little Soldier in 2-5 on Hard (☆☆) or above.
  3. Collect Useful Metal in 2-2 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  4. Collect Wally No. 8's Power Unit from Wally No. 8 in 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

At Lv35, a Metal Heart can advance into a Optimus.

| OpT= At Lv35, Metal Heart can advance into Optimus. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel.
Optimus can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Optimus' Stamp .


  1. Talk to Adel in Altera.
  2. Gather 30 Nasod Cores from Nasod enemies in any Altera dungeon (4-6 recommended).
  3. Gather 4 drops from King Nasod on 4-6 Normal Mode or higher (☆).
  4. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  5. Collect 40 reagents from Glitter Necromancers in Feita.

You can [[Optimus在70级时,无尽之刃可以进行超越转职

| 超越= 在70级时,[[Template:JobChangeCN|]]可以进行超越转职。超越任务可以在除魔奇外任意村庄的公告栏接收。
超越转职也可以通过商城道具超越之书:神的意志 来完成。


  1. 通关适当等级的副本5次(魔奇,赫尼尔时空,艾达岛除外)。
  2. 拉诺斯地区【困难】的Boss身上收集5个微弱的女神的气息碎片
  3. 隐藏副本Boss身上收集5个较小的女神的气息碎片
  4. 隐藏副本Boss身上收集3个较大的女神的气息碎片
  5. 通关隐藏副本20次。
