I'm too lazy to make a decent Page.

Well, maybe not but it's just a matter of time...

Literal Meme Trash which RAW translates the Skills and so on for Elwiki while the Experts do the final touch.

Pun and Sweets addict while having a Basement filled with Coca Cola and Pringles Sour Cream.

Crappy Timezone: UTC+1 aka Germany

KR Patcher is slow af, don't sue me for this.

  • I slowly start to understand the formating but I still need to see trough the basics..
Class IGN Lv. Guild Favorite Skill
Profession Main/Alt/Sub Main Server Activity Level
File:EMTransNEW.png Mochiko 85 Empyrean Treasure Hunter Main Void Elsword Often
File:WSTransNEW.png Vanadevi 85 Arcane File:WSTrans3.png Blacksmith Alternate Void Elsword Rare
File:CBSTransNEW.png Cbsans
85 Planeptune File:BSSActive2.png Treasure Hunter Alternate Void Elsword So-So
File:SDTransNEW.png Empyrean
85 Empyrean Alchemist Sub Main Void Elsword Depens
File:SDTransNEW.png Amerih
93 KawaiiOnly Treasure Hunter Main North America oAo...rare
File:YRTransNEW.png Nortia
85 Voidlings Treasure Hunter Sub Main Void Elsword Often
File:NBTransNEW.png Nekolovania
85 Voidlings Treasure Hunter Alt Void Elsword So-so
File:StTTransNEW.png Oreithyia
85 Tumblr File:HeavyBarrel7.png Treasure Hunter Alternate Void Elsword Troller