File:LKTrans6.png [Special Active: Bravery]
Apply sword aura into the ground to blow up the area. Can charge while skill key is being held, increasing explosion range and damage per charge.

Destruction Skill

  • Consumes Destruction gauge and acquire Vitality gauge
  • Attack Power ↑ when Destruction is activated


Class Level Required
Lord Knight : Transcendent 95

Skill Information

Character Level Damage (Physical) Helpless Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Shockwave Explosion Giant Explosion All Speed Decrease Physical/Magical Defense Decrease Duration Shockwave Explosion Giant Explosion Initial Additional
95 224% 262% → 393% 1568% → 2352% -10% -15% 10 Seconds 4 4 1 250 MP 10~50 MP 21 Seconds

Tips and Details

  • While charging the attack, the charge aura does not do damage, but it does inflict hitstun.
  • Enemies take more hits the further away they are


  • 11/03/2016 KR
    • Damage decreased.
  • 12/15/2016 KR
    • Fixed issue where cannot hit the target behind you sometimes.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 그랜드 크로스 Grand Cross
  Japan グランドクロス Grand Cross