Eid : Creation
  • Randomly create [Eids] in proportion to the number of targets hit by [Cycle Projectile].
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Duration of [Cycle Circle] increased by 1.5 times.


Class Level Required [Enhanced] Level Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level
Erbluhen Emotion 50 97 54 63

Skill Information

Character Level Damage (Magical) Knockdown Reduce MP Absorb Duration MP Usage Cooldown
Cycle Projectile Cycle Circle
50 855% 385% -30 10 MP 7 Seconds 30 MP 5 Seconds
[Enhanced] 97 10.5 Seconds

Skill Traits

??? Ruhig ??? Ruhig
Level Required Attribute Effect Details Level Required Attribute Effect Details
??? ???
54 63

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 조용히 Ruhig
