File:AddPassive4.png [Passive]
Enables you to use Nasod Armor commands. Press or to activate the command after pressing
[Nasod Armor Command]
During Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening),
press Z/X command to activate Armor command.
[Nasod Armor Command]
During Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening),
press Z/X command to activate Armor command.
or skill button while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening) is activated.

- Skills: Check skill description for skills applicable with the Nasod Armor Mode.
- Commands: ZZZ[Z], ZZX[X] (1st Job), XX[X], XXZ[Z~Z], →→ZZ[Z], →→XX[X], →→↑X[X]

Damage is cancelled when hit during the Nasod Armor combo. Continue pressing to use Nasod Armor combo again.

2nd job change (Lunatic Psyker) can activate basic ground combo attacks. The final combo hit triggers the Nasod Armor to activate.

Decreases DP usage, enhances Nasod Armor Command damage, and has a chance to gain Dynamo Mutation Points while Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening) is activated.


Class Level Required
Psychic Tracer 15

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Reduction of DP Usage Battle Gear Combos
Damage Increase
Additional Mutation Point Gain Chance
1 15 10% +40% 30%
2 31 15% +55% 40%
3 39 20% +70% 50%
4 83 25% +100%

Nasod Armor Mode

  • Skills Affected:
  • Nasod Armor combos gives a variant of Chung's Heavy Stance. When hit during the combos's animations or after advancing to Lunatic Psyker at the end of his normal combo to trigger, immediately burn 20 DP to completely negate the damage with your dynamos. During that animation, you can press either   or   to teleport to the original target that is in front of him and restart his combo.
    • The teleportation has unlimited range.
    • Do note that this does not negate stun, flattened, petrify, or power stun.
    • Although Add's Nasod Armor combos can resist most attacks, dual hit attacks like Eve's electron balls, other Adds'     combo,and Blazing Heart's fireballs will stop him.
    • This can be looped indefinitely so long as you have the DP gauge for it, note, however, that Add will only negate ONE hit per combo, so you'll have to pretty much mash   or   to nullify multi-hitting abilities, which will quickly burn through your DP gauge.
      • However, if Add has invested a large amount of DP Charge and DP Consumption Reduction, he can repeatedly counter you in a battle of attrition.

Nasod Armor Commands

Psychic Tracer Lunatic Psyker
[Nasod Armor Command]
During Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening),
press Z/X command to activate Armor command.
[Nasod Armor Command]
During Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening),
press Z/X command to activate Armor command.
[Nasod Armor Command]
During Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening),
press Z/X command to activate Armor command.
[Nasod Armor Command]
During Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening),
press Z/X command to activate Armor command.
[Nasod Armor Command]
During Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening),
press Z/X command to activate Armor command.

Tips and Details

  • Although the tooltip didnt show →→↑X[X], this combo is also able to be followed up with Nasod Armor combos.
  • Similar to most of Add's skills, the Nasod Armor is bugged. If you miss the combo, you can use any skill that reactivates Nasod Armor to instantly teleport to the enemy again, even if the skill misses. (Energy Boom or Pulse Cannon are recommended, due to their low costs).
  • In PvP, Nasod Armor combos are not recommended against characters that can reduce Stun duration since they can easily escape from the initial slam.


  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Reduction of DP Usage increased.
    • Nasod Armor combos 'damage increase' decreased.
  • 09/24/2015 KR
    • Add 50% chance of gaining additional mutation point upon awakening.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ??? Nasod Armor Mode - Battle Gear
  Japan ナソードアーマーモード - バトルギア Nasod Armor Mode - Battle Gear
  China (Simplified Chinese) 纳斯德护甲模式 - 战斗核心 Nasod Armor Mode - Battle Gear
  Germany Nasodrüstung - Kampfmontur Nasod Armor - Battle Gear
  France Armure nasod - Combinaison de combat Nasod Armor - Battle Gear
  Poland Nazo-Zbroja: Mundur Bojowy Nasod Armor : Battle Gear
  United Kingdom Nasod Armour - Battle Gear
  Brazil Modo de Armadura Nasod - Engrenagem de Batalha Nasod Armor Mode - Battle Gear
