Aisha Second Job: Void Princess





New Combos

Dark Ball:


-- Adding additional damage and forcing a hit target slightly upwards, this new move allows a Void Princess to followup with more combos.

Hammer Combo:


-- Tired of the old zzz move? This one takes 'Z' to a whole new level. The movement arrow seperates the old move to this one, but after one uses this it's unlikely they'll use zzz again. The transition to the hammer is an individual movement. In other words, you can stop the move at the hammer and repeat, creating a 'lazy combo' for Void Princesses.


Skills Overview:

Void Princess skills are generally 'dark' in nature, with a lot of focus on control and distraction. The site mentioned de-buff skills, but they haven't been implemented yet.

At the current time only three new skills are given to Dark Mages when they change jobs into Void Princesses. These skills do not require skill quests to unlock, and come free with the job change.

Skill List:

File:Hell Drop.jpg

-Hell Drop-

Skill Type: Active (Red)

Prerequisites: 75 SP Used

Skill Description: Summons a portal from darkness (Which is controlled by the player for a set amount of time) that has a payload of magical bombs. It's different because it can be 'manually' controlled by the player. Think of it as a remote controlled bomber plane. Increased levels in this skill increases the damage output.


At level 5: ???


-Shadow's Contract-

Skill Type: Passive (Blue)

Prerequisites: 75 SP Used

Skill Description: Using inner mental powers and gathering better insight in mystic will by a contract with dark magic, this passive allows a Void Princess to retain some mana from any Active or Special Active skill used. Additional levels in this skill increases the chances of this passive activating.


At level 5: You will recieve a 13% chance to regain 30% mp from an Active skill. You will also recieve 30% mp from Special Actives.


-Bat Anger-

Skill Type: Special Active (Orange)

Prerequisites: 80 SP used

Skill Description: With a twist and a flick of the wand, a Void Princess can summon 'Anger', who is a black and white bat. This creature will fly in a straight line from the direction of the summon, until it either flies off the map or finds a victim. More levels in this skill increases Anger's speed and damage output.


At level 5: ???
