[Special Active: Strength]
Create the El sphere and throw it forward. The El sphere opens up a chant of lasting for a certain period of time upon receiving impact.
Swaying El Keim
  • Inflicts  Enemy DebuffSwaying El Keim debuff when hit by [Opening Chant].
Final Enhanced Skill
  • All resistance decreased by 150 when hit by [Light Orb].


Class Level Required [Enhanced] Level Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level Skill Requirement
Lofty: Anpassen 30 87 34 43 Intermediate Training Skill Quest

Skill Information

Character Level Damage (Magical) Opening Chant Opening Chant Stun Duration Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Light Sphere Opening Chant Chant Explosion Movement Speed Decrease Duration All Element
Resistence Decrease
Max Stacks Duration Light Sphere Opening Chant Chant Explosion
30 821% 112% 1493% -25% 1 Second N/A 5 Seconds 1 ?? 1 200 MP 15 Seconds
[Enhanced] 87 -30 5 5 Seconds

Skill Traits

Regenerating (1) Wind Einfallen Regenerating (2) Wind Einfallen
Level Required Attribute Effect Details Level Required Attribute Effect Details
MP Recovery Cooldown
34 25% chance of regaining 50% of the MP Usage 100 MP 43 25% chance of lowering cooldown to 50% 7.5 Seconds


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 빈트 아의팔런 Wind Einfallen
  Brazil Colisão de Vento Wind Collision
