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Equipment Stat Calculation


Physical / Magical Attack Attack Power = (BCM + (ICM × (EV + AtkL)) × PM × EB
  • BCM = Base Job Class Modifier (based on your class)
  • ICM = Incremental Job Class Modifier (based on your class)
  • EV = Equipment Value (dependent on the equipment)
  • EL = Equipment's Level Requirement
  • EG = Equipment Grade (dependent on the equipment)
  • AtkL = Bonus Physical or Magical Attack Level
  • DefL = Bonus Physical or Magical Defense Level
  • PM = Part Modifier (based on the equipment type)
  • EB = Bonus from Equipment Enhancement
Physical / Magical Defense Defense Power = (BCM + (ICM × (EV + DefL - 1)) × PM × EB
HP HP Value = (85 + 15 × EL) × BCM × EG × PM × EB
After calculation, the final result should be rounded to the nearest whole number.

List of Modifiers

Job Class Modifier (Base)
Class Physical Attack Magical Attack Physical Defense Magical Defense HP
Knight 32.65 26.83 20 16.6 0
Lord Knight 75.15 52.33 32 23.6 1
Rune Slayer 66.65 77.83 30 25.6 0.5
Infinity Sword 83.65 60.83 22 30.6 0.75
Magician 26.1 35.54 17 21.6 0
Elemental Master 51.6 69.54 24 30.6 1.5
Void Princess 60.1 78.04 27 28.6 1
Dimension Witch 85.6 44.04 29 23.6 1.5
Ranger 28.29 30.45 18.6 21 0
Wind Sneaker 62.29 64.45 25.6 31 1.25
Grand Archer 53.79 81.45 25.6 31 1
Night Watcher 70.79 72.95 30.6 26 0.75
Taker 31.19 27.55 20.6 16.6 0
Blade Master 73.69 53.05 29.6 23.6 1.25
Reckless Fist 65.19 70.05 27.6 25.6 1
Veteran Commander 56.69 70.05 29.6 28.6 0.75
Another Code 27.55 34.09 21.6 15 0
Code: Nemesis 61.55 68.09 28.6 25 1.25
Code: Empress 78.55 42.59 28.6 25 1.5
Code: Battle Seraph 53.05 76.59 28.6 27 1
Guardian 31.9 27.55 21.6 17.6 0
Iron Paladin 82.9 44.55 30.6 21.6 1.5
Deadly Chaser 57.4 78.55 25.6 26.6 1.25
Tactical Trooper 48.9 78.55 23.6 29.6 1.5
Little Xia 31.9 26.83 20.6 18 0
Sakra Devanam 65.9 52.33 32.6 25 1.25
Yama Raja 48.9 69.33 27.6 33 1
Asura 74.4 52.33 29.6 25 1.25
Free Knight 32.65 26.83 20 16.6 0
Grand Master 75.15 52.33 32 23.6 1
Blazing Heart 66.65 77.83 30 25.6 0.5
Crimson Avenger 83.65 60.83 22 30.6 0.75
Tracer 27.55 34.8 17.6 20.6 0
Lunatic Psyker 44.55 77.3 21.6 35.6 1.5
Mastermind 78.55 60.3 24.6 27.6 1.25
Diabolic Esper 36.05 77.3 29.6 35.6 1
Demon Power 31.19 29.74 19.6 18.6 0
Dreadlord 82.19 55.24 36.6 22.6 0.5
Noblesse 56.69 80.74 23.6 35.6 0.5
Demonio 124.69 29.74 18.6 22.6 1.75
Jamming 31.9 30.45 19.6 18.6 0
Storm Trooper 48.9 64.45 26.6 35.6 1
Crimson Rose 65.9 47.45 31.6 25.6 0.5
Freyja 40.4 81.45 23.6 40.6 0.5
Optimus 31.9 98.45 23.6 37.6 0.5
Lofty Angel 29 29 20 20 0
Arme Thaumaturgy 131 71.5 12 12 2.25
Erbluhen Emotion 20.5 139.5 20 25 1.5
Apostasia 54.5 80 20 32 1.5
Job Class Modifier (Incremental)
Class Physical Attack Magical Attack Physical Defense Magical Defense
Knight 57.375 47.175 12.75 10.5825
Lord Knight 64.875 51.675 14.55 11.6325
Rune Slayer 63.375 56.175 14.25 11.9325
Infinity Sword 66.375 53.175 13.05 12.6825
Magician 45.9 62.475 10.8375 13.77
Elemental Master 50.4 68.475 11.8875 15.12
Void Princess 51.9 69.975 12.3375 14.82
Dimension Witch 56.4 63.975 12.6375 14.07
Ranger 49.725 53.55 11.8575 13.3875
Wind Sneaker 55.725 59.55 12.9075 14.8875
Grand Archer 54.225 62.55 12.9075 14.8875
Night Watcher 57.225 61.05 13.6575 14.1375
Taker 54.825 48.45 13.1325 10.5825
Blade Master 62.325 52.95 14.4825 11.6325
Reckless Fist 60.825 55.95 14.1825 11.9325
Veteran Commander 59.325 55.95 14.4825 12.3825
Another Code 48.45 59.925 13.77 9.5625
Code: Nemesis 54.45 65.925 14.82 11.0625
Code: Empress 57.45 61.425 14.82 11.0625
Code: Battle Seraph 52.95 67.425 14.82 11.3625
Guardian 56.1 48.45 13.77 11.22
Iron Paladin 65.1 51.45 15.12 11.82
Deadly Chaser 60.6 57.45 14.37 12.57
Tactical Trooper 59.1 57.45 14.07 13.02
Little Xia 56.1 47.175 13.1325 11.475
Sakra Devanam 62.1 51.675 14.9325 12.525
Yama Raja 59.1 54.675 14.1825 13.725
Asura 63.6 51.675 14.4825 12.525
Free Knight 57.375 47.175 12.75 10.5825
Grand Master 64.875 51.675 14.55 11.6325
Blazing Heart 63.375 56.175 14.25 11.9325
Crimson Avenger 66.375 53.175 13.05 12.6825
Tracer 48.45 61.2 11.22 13.1325
Lunatic Psyker 51.45 68.7 11.82 15.3825
Mastermind 57.45 65.7 12.27 14.1825
Diabolic Esper 49.95 68.7 13.02 15.3825
Demon Power 54.825 52.275 12.495 11.8575
Dreadlord 63.825 56.775 15.045 12.4575
Noblesse 59.325 61.275 13.095 14.4075
Demonio 71.325 52.275 12.345 12.4575
Jamming 56.1 53.55 12.495 11.8575
Storm Trooper 59.1 59.55 13.545 14.4075
Crimson Rose 62.1 56.55 14.295 12.9075
Freyja 57.6 62.55 13.095 15.1575
Optimus 56.1 65.55 13.095 14.7075
Lofty Angel 51 51 12.75 12.75
Arme Thaumaturgy 69 58.5 11.55 11.55
Erbluhen Emotion 49.5 70.5 12.75 13.5
Apostasia 55.5 60 12.75 14.55
Part Modifier
Equipment Type Physical Attack Magical Attack Physical Defense Magical Defense HP
Weapon 1 1 1
Top Piece 0.03 0 0.3 0.25 3.5
Bottom Piece 0 0.05 0.25 0.3 3
Gloves 0.05 0 0.2 0.25 1
Shoes 0 0.03 0.25 0.2 1.5

General Guides
Character Progression
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