File:BoF.png [Passive]
Increase the power of command flame attacks and fire resistance.


Class Level Required
Pyro Knight 15

Skill Information

Skill Level Character Level Additional Fire Resistance Flame Damage Boost
1 15 +60 +15%
2 31 +90 +30%
3 39 +120 +45%
4 83 +150 +50%

Affected Combos

Pyro Knight Blazing Heart


  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • Fire command damage increased.
  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Fire Resist Increase decreased.
    • Fire command damage decreased.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • Additional Fire Resistance decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ??? Body of Fire
  Japan 炎の身体 Body of Fire
  China (Simplified Chinese) 火焰身躯 Body of Fire
  Germany Unstillbares Feuer Insatiable Fire
  France Feu inextinguible Inextinguishable Fire
  Italy Fuoco indomabile Indomitable Fire
  Poland Nieugaszony Ogień Inextinguishable Fire
  United Kingdom Inextinguishable Fire
  Brazil Corpo Flamejante Flaming Body
