Attacks have a chance of reducing a target's Magical Defense. (Special Active/Hyper Active skill excluded)


Class Level Required
Magic Knight 40

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Activation Chance Anti-Magic
Magic Defense Duration
1 40 20% -15% 6 Seconds
2 46 -20%
3 47 -25%
4 93 -30%

Tips and Details

  • Magic Chain is only triggered by regular attacks and Actives; Special Actives do not apply unless the passive Magic Coating is learned.
  • Opponents under the effect of this skill are marked with a Anti-Magic icon.
  • This is one of the most important skills a Rune Slayer should have since it takes off a good amount of magic defense, which makes it ideal to use when in a party and playing in secret dungeons.
  • Combining this with Freezing creates a large gap, so you may want to consider having a person carry Freezing in a Magical Attack-focused party.


  • 02/14/2013 KR
    • Increased activation chance.
  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • Reduced chance and Magic Defense reduction.
  • 05/15/2014 KR
    • Defense reduction capabilities is decreased.
  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Reduced chance and Magic Defense reduction.
  • 06/15/2017 (KR) / 06/28/2017 (NA)
    • Activation Chance increased.
    • Magic Defense Decrease decreased.
  • 08/24/2017 (KR) / 09/13/2017 (NA)
    • Activation Chance increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 마력의 사슬 Anti-Magic
  Japan 魔力の鎖 Magic Chain
  China (Simplified Chinese) 魔法锁链 Magic Shackle
  France Liens magiques Magical Chains
  United Kingdom Magical Shackles
  Brazil Grilhão mágico Magic Shackle
