[Special Active: Tenacity]
Consecutively attack enemies with spear arts beautiful like the flower.
Energy Gain
  • Gain 1 Energy


Class Level Required
Sakra Devanam : Transcendent 70

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Spirit Energy
Stab Soaring Slash Lotus Haze Stab Soaring Slash Lotus Haze
70 483% 346% 189% 1 2 8 100 MP +1 15 Seconds


Level Required Damage (Physical)
Stab Soaring Slash Lotus Haze
70 164% 117% 64%

Skill Information (KR)


Level Required Damage (Physical)
Stab Soaring Slash Lotus Haze
70 135% 96% 52%

Skill Traits


Empowered Flame Lotus Strike Critical Flame Lotus Strike
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect Details
Damage MP Usage
Stab Soaring Slash Lotus Haze
Damage increased to 120% 579.6% 415.2% 226.8% MP Usage increased to 120%
Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)
120 MP


Empowered Flame Lotus Strike
Stab Soaring Slash Lotus Haze
196.8% 140.4% 76.8%

Skill Traits (KR)


Empowered Flame Lotus Strike
Stab Soaring Slash Lotus Haze
162% 115.2% 62.4%

Tips and Details

  • The skill is divided into three parts which are all activated separately by pressing the skill again. The Stab, Soaring Slash, and Lotus Haze.
    • It does not cost any additional MP to use the additional attacks.
    • Each individual command has its own freeze frames.
    • Even if you use all three parts of this skill, heroic glove's tenacity skill damage increase stacking will only be increased by one.
  • Cooldown for the skill will only start once the third move has been performed.


  • 08/11/2016 KR
    • Freeze frames duration increased from 3s to 4s.
  • 01/25/2017 KR
    • Damage decreased.
  • 03/16/2017 KR
    • Fixed issue where not activate Heroic Equipment's "Upon using Tenacity Skill, Tenacity Skill's Damage for 10 seconds +𝑥% (5 Stacks) (Dungeon)" effect.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • PvE damage increased.
  • 07/27/2017 KR
    • PvP damage decreased.
  • 09/28/2017 KR
    • PvP damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 화련참 Fire Lotus Strikes
  China (Simplified Chinese) 火莲斩 Fire Lotus Slash
  France Figure du lotus étincelant Sparkling Lotus Figure