
Joined 7 June 2013
Revision as of 06:00, 28 December 2017 by Boxsnake (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Innocent" to "Innocent (Night Watcher)")


  • Infinity Sword - Lv.61 -
    • Ign: VoidKnight4
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite ShK/IS skill: Phantom Sword
  • Night Watcher - Lv.70 -
    • Ign: CrueltyArrow
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite TR/NW skill: Delayed Fire
  • Blade Master - Lv.52 -
    • Ign: EphemeralSin
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite ST/BM skill: Extreme Blade
  • Rune Slayer - Lv.58 -
  • Asura - Lv.80 - Main
    • Profession: Treasure Hunter
    • Ign: FallenPurge
    • Guild: Evolutionary
    • Favorite LS/A skill: Spell : Thunder
  • Code Nemesis - Lv.46 -
    • Ign: AbyssRuler
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite CE/CN skill: Queen's Throne
  • Yama Raja - Lv.55 -
    • Profession: Treasure Hunter
    • Ign: RequiemFate
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite LD/YR skill: High Speed
  • Blazing Heart - Lv.63 -
    • Profession: Treasure Hunter
    • Ign:BloodAdvent
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite PK/BH skill: Fireplay
  • Reckless Fist - Lv.47 -
    • Ign: ForlornPath
    • Guild: None
    • Favorite OT/RF skill: Archenemy
  • Code: Empress - Lv.70 -
  • Wind Sneaker - Lv.54 -
    • Ign: PureDiscord
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite CR/WS skill: Nature's Force
  • Lord Knight - Lv.70 -
  • Void Princess - Lv.57 -
    • Profession: Treasure Hunter
    • Ign: FaintRequiem
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite DM/VP skill: Plasma Cutter
  • Mastermind - Lv.65 -
    • Profession: Blacksmith
    • Ign: QuietusRuin
    • Guild: WanderingVoid
    • Favorite AT/MM skill: Apocalypse
  • Crimson Avenger - Lv.61 -
    • Profession: Treasure Hunter
    • Ign: HollowFear
    • Guild: Sanguineous
    • Favorite DK/CrA skill: Blood Cutter
  • Noblesse/Royal Guard - Lv.62 -
    • Profession: Blacksmith
    • Ign: LetheanDream
    • Guild: ExigentAvarice
    • Favorite RG/NB skill: Castle of Abaddon

  • Chiliarch/Dreadlord - Lv.33-
    • Profession: None
    • Ign: Supercilious
    • Guild: None
    • Favorite CH/DL skill: Summon Darkness

Other Stuff

Favorite job classes:

  • Aisha: Void Princess - Post-rebalance VP is just amazing. I'm glad they replaced/improved DM's old combos; she didn't really have much to work with beyond her >>ZX (which didn't have a very reliable range) and XX<X combos. Plus, using the Angkor Hammer in all of VP's combos is awesome.
  • Rena: Night Watcher - I had a difficult time choosing between NW and WS, but at the end of the day, Delayed Fire is just too good to pass up. Although a bunch of the combos I came up with for WS and NW are ruined because of that freakin' Nature's Force crap.
  • Eve: Code: Empress - I just like being able to summon a bunch of nasods to gang up on people with. That, and the two Heaven's Fists are pretty cool, too.
  • Ara: Asura* - I don't even know where to start... Super fast, claw attacks have surprisingly good range, and almost all of her skills are amazing. Doesn't compare to MM in terms of mob or rather, room clearing ability, but her skills are great in their own right.
  • Elesis: Blazing Heart - Lots and lots of fire. I'm not an arsonist, but BH's fire combos are great, especially with Invincible Fire. I have to admit, though, Dark Knight is really fun, too.
  • Add: Mastermind - His combos aren't much to look at compared to DE, but his skills are unparalleled in PvE, and are visually impressive. Plus, Apocalypse.
  • Lu/Ciel: Royal Guard/Noblesse: This was a difficult decision since both of Lu/Ciel's job paths are pretty cool, but Castle of Abaddon has such amazing damage and range, and Royal Guard/Noblesse's attacks have better reach and flexibility than Chiliarch/Dreadlord's, so... yeah.
*Favorite of all job classes

Former Characters

-Code Battle Seraph - Deleted: 1. I needed room for my first Ara character. 2. I didn't want to choose between Energetic Heart and Thousand Star XD.

-Grand Archer - Deleted a VERY long time ago, don't really remember why...

-Sakra Devanam - Deleted to make room for Asura. Kite's great, but... Millennium Fox....

-Elemental Master - I was never really planning to keep my EM. I just wanted to try her play style for a while. I guess in the end, VP is the only one for me.

-Diabolic Esper - Not much of an Add fan; don't particularly like using him. That being said, I wanted to try out the job class everyone was crying about for months for myself. Wasn't impressed with what I saw, so I deleted him to make room for my CH/DL.

  • I'm a PvE-focused NA player. None of my characters have ranks because I decided that PvP is more trouble than it's worth, and quit. I do, however, enjoy Ereda Island once in a while. If you play in NA, you may see one of my characters in dungeons or fields, mainly between Velder and Lanox, since most of my characters are between levels 45 and 80.