She was never Vishnu

Alright, so before everyone gets mad at me for removing the Vishnu stuff, let me make it very clear that the Korean server (KoG itself) never called her Vishnu. It seems to have originated with a few popular youtubers adopting the name and it then spreading like wildfire, but it is entirely made up by the community.

Her job change on KR says 비천 (毘天). As with all Ara's, the brackets where an english name would be show Chinese instead. Now, as already noted before, 毘天 is the abbreviation of 毘沙門天, which refers to Vaisravana. Since a lot of Korean religious terms are ported directly from Chinese to Korean, just changed to be written in Hangul, 비천 too is an abbreviation of 비사문천, pronounced as Bi Sa Mun Cheon, and as you can probably tell, it is the hangul reading of 毘沙門天, pronounced as Pí Shā Mén Tiān.

She was never officially Vishnu. It's a fan nickname that got out of hand.