For the Night Watcher Hyper Active skill by the same name, see Innocent (Night Watcher)
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Information: This article is currently under development. Please be patient while we're adding the finishing touches!
Full Name
Luciela "Lu" R. Sourcream
Magic Gauntlets, Soul Spears
Dual Gun Blades, Cross-Shaped Sniper
Release Date
28 December 2017
우후후… 꿇어라! 짐이야 말로 진정한 왕좌의 주인, 왕의 귀환이니라!

~ Lu

내가 너의 그림자가 되어 주겠어. 최강의 방패이자, 창으로서…

~ Ciel

File:InnLNEW.pngFile:InnCNEW.png Innocent (Ishtar/Chevalier)



서로를 지키는 최강의 창과 방패로서 과거의 권능을 초월한 심연의 군주.

심연의 악령과 고대의 보구를 활용해 상대를 굴복시키는 전직.

시엘의 적극적인 서포트에 의해 어느 정도 과거의 권능을 되찾게 된 루.

하지만 그에 못지 않게 점점 강대해져 가는 적들의 힘 앞에 시엘은 고민한다.

계약을 통해 넘겨 받은 절반의 힘. 이 힘을 하나로 합칠 수 있다면… 그런 시엘의 고민을 지켜보던 루는 한가지 해결책을 제안한다.

고대 보구 ‘세피로스 판타즈마’. 사용자의 힘을 흡수하는 특성을 가진 이 특수한 마창을 매개체로, 일시적인 혼의 일체화를 시도할 수 있다.

그 힘을 통해 둘이자 하나로서 과거의 권능을 초월한 힘을 얻게 된 루와 시엘은, 다시금 왕좌의 탈환에 한 걸음 다가선다.

Third Class Advancement

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
    Level 99
  Master Class
  Mod Skills
  Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
  Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
  Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
  Obtainable from [Mod] Force (A) Cube by completing Camilla's Force Skill Training Quest.
Able to only choose 1 out of 2 Force Mod Skills.
  Obtainable from [Mod] Force (A) Cube by completing Camilla's Force Skill Training Quest.
Able to only choose 1 out of 2 Force Mod Skills.

Additional Combos

  : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.15x multiplier during 3rd job.
Image Description Damage
Switch Uppercut (Lu)

After Lu's   , switch to Ciel where he performs an uppercut with his cross, launching targets high into the air.

  161% Phy. Damage
  171% Phy. Damage

[Switching Command]

Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.
 ???% Phy. Damage
Switch Uppercut (Ciel)

After Ciel's   , switch to Lu where she performs an uppercut with her claw, launching targets high into the air.

  147% Phy. Damage
  190% Phy. Damage

[Switching Command]

Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.
 ???% Phy. Damage








  • Innocent is a rather ironic title, due to the inherent nature of the being Lu is named after in this job change.
    • Ishtar is the Mesopotamian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, and political power.
  • A Chevalier referes to a male member of certain orders of knighthood, usually mounted, and the term means "Knight" in French.
  • Strangely, Chevalier's new white blaster is only ever used for the new   
    [Switching Command]

    Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.
    combo when switching from Lu to Ciel. The blaster for everything else, including skills like Death Sentence of Marbas or even [Mod] Magdonic Cannon, remains the one used as Royal Guard.
  • Over the course of the Innocent path, Lu has slowly begun to regain her former demon powers, causing her to "age" slightly faster than the rest of the El Search Party, appearing as a late teen or young adult.
    • Due to the fact that all character models remain the same size and appearance regardless of job path, Lu's ingame model relies on a combination of hovering, camera trickery and a tiptoe stance to create the illusion of her appearing older and taller during her basic idle pose.
  • Ishtar's horns curve outward more and the bright blue spikes present in Noblesse's horns now take up the majority of the horns' length.
  • Ishtar grows two massive wings at her back, far larger than those of Timoria. They are fully animated and functional, and are this class's 3rd job accessory, taking up the Back slot.
  • As is standard in this class's job path, Ishtar's magic gauntlets are in standby in the class portrait, and serve merely as a fall-back; her Soul Spear remains her main weapon of choice.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 이노센트 Innocent


Server Name Translation
  South Korea 이슈타르 Ishtar


Server Name Translation
  South Korea 슈발리에 Chevalier
