With newfound understanding of martial arts, certain skills become stronger. Attack Power of Tiger Stance and Dragon Stance increase. Using 4th stance when energy is full will activate Secret Arts. (Cooldown 20 seconds)
Physical Attack Power of Secret Arts increase. Using non-stance Energy Consumption skills without energy will reduce cooldown for Dragon and Tiger stance skills.


Class Level Required
Apsara 99

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Dragon/Tiger Stance Skills Time of Enlightenment
Attack Power Increase Cooldown Reduction Physical Attack Power Increase Max Stack Duration
1 99 10% -1 Second 10% 5 20 Seconds

Tips & Details

  • Try combining this passive with Flow of Chi to maximize damage output.
  • The tooltip of this passive is actually misleading. You can reduce the cooldown time of all Dragon/Tiger Stance skills by using any non-Dragon/Tiger Stance skills to cancel a skill.


  • 12/07/2017 KR
    • Buff Duration increased

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 깨달음의 시간 Time of Enlightenment
  Japan 悟りの時間 Time of Enlightenment
