


Class Level Required Base Skill
Shiva 99 Mana Drain

Skill Information


Level Required Snatch (Physical) Mana Drain Mana Gain Max Drains Spirit Energy MP Usage Cooldown
99 1194% 25 MP 25 MP 3 -2 0 MP 10 Seconds


Level Required Snatch (Physical)
99 382%

Skill Traits

Powerful Mana Drain Killing Blow (2) Mana Drain
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect Details
Cooldown Mana Drain Mana Gain
Super Armor added to the skill
Cooldown increased to 150%
15 Seconds Skill effect's effectiveness increased by 30% 33 MP 33 MP

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 정기 흡수 Mana Drain
  Japan 吸気 Intake Air
  China (Simplified Chinese) 精气吸收 Vigor Drain
  Germany Mana absorbieren Absorb Mana
  Spain Absorber maná Absorb Mana
  France Absorption d'énergie Energy Absorption
  Italy Assorbi-mana Absorb Mana
  Poland Absorbuj manę Absorb Mana
  United Kingdom Absorb Mana
  Brazil Absorção de Espírito Spirit Absorption
