[Special Active: Tenacity]
Summon the thermal firearm [Ex-S Viper] to subdue the area for the duration.
The summoned Ex-S Viper will fire forward wildly for 7.5 seconds.
Over Strike
  • Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Speed is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Metal Heart 30

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Magical) Max Hits Duration MP Usage Cooldown
Viper Shot Viper Explosion Viper Shot Viper Explosion
30 119% 124% 15 1 7.5 Seconds 100 MP 9 Seconds


Level Required Damage (Magical)
Viper Shot Viper Explosion
30 47% 49%

Skill Traits

Reversed Ex-S Viper Haste Ex-S Viper
Attribute Effect MP Cost Cooldown Attribute Effect Cooldown
MP Usage decreased to 70%
Cooldown increased to 130%
70 MP 11.7 seconds Cooldown decreased to 80% 7.2 seconds

Tips and Details

  • With level 4 Mechanic Mastery, Ex-S Viper can deal up to 2,290.8% (904.8% in PvP) Magical Damage.
  • This skill is affected by Mech Mech Revolution, making the skill ignore guard and causing a second Viper weapon called Ex-SS Viper to spawn at a certain chance.
  • The Viper weapon fires twice every second and inflicts hitstun for its entire duration, making it nearly impossible for an opponent to escape it after being hit once.


  • 06/30/2016 KR
    • Hitstun removed in PvP.
  • 01/12/2017 KR
    • Damage decreased.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • PvE damage increased.
    • PvP Viper Explosion damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea Ex-S 바이퍼 Ex-S Viper
  China (Simplified Chinese) Ex-S蝰蛇 Ex-S Viper
  France Vipère Ex-S Ex-S Viper
