[Special Active: Tenacity]
Activate G-Core and transform it.

Re-click the skill to activate [G-1 Corona].

 Self BuffG Transform Mode
  • Consumes 15 ECP to activate transform standby.
  • During transformation,
    Enhanced: 80 MP
    100 MP
    is consumed upon reusing to cast [G-1 Corona]
  • Upon transformation switch,  Self BuffG-Core Extension buff is applied.
Over Strike
  • Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • MP Usage is decreased by 20%.


Class Level Required
Optimus 45

Skill Information


Level Required Energy Bullet (Magical) G-1 Corona Max Hits G Transform Mode Cooldown
Firing Speed Increase ECP Usage Normal Additional ECP Consumed Transform Standby
ECP Usage
Skill Activation
MP Usage
45 264% 20% 35 ECP 10 13 15 ECP 100 MP 8 Seconds
[Enhanced] 80 MP


Level Required Damage (Magical)
45 105%

Skill Traits


Empowered G-1 Corona Ruthless G-1 Corona
Attribute Effect Energy Bullet Attribute Effect Cooldown
Damage increased to 130% 343.2% Skill will cancel Mana Break
Cooldown increased to 200%
16 Seconds


Empowered G-1 Corona
Energy Bullet

Tips and Details

  • G-1 Corona can deal up to 2,640% (1,050% in PvP) Magical Damage. With Empowered, it can deal up to 3,432% (1,365% in PvP) Magical Damage.
    • When sped up through its additional effect, it will deal up to 3,432% (1,365% in PvP) Magical Damage, or 4,461.6% (1,774.5% in PvP) Magical Damage with Empowered.
    • When sped up through Limit Over's G Limiter Release, it will do 15 hits, and deal up to 3,960% Magical Damage, or 5,148% Magical Damage with Empowered.
    • When sped up through both of the above, it will do 19 hits, and deal up to 5,016% Magical Damage, or 6,520.8% Magical Damage with Empowered.
  • This skill is affected by the Awakened Will: Optimus passive.


  • 09/08/2016 KR
    • Fixed issue where applying attributes.
  • 09/29/2016 KR
    • Fixed issue where applying attributes.
  • 01/25/2017 KR
    • Damage increased.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • PvE damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea G-1 고로나 G-1 Corona
  China (Simplified Chinese) G-科罗纳 G-1 Corona
  France Couronne G-1 G-1 Corona
