File:SI Concenofenergy.PNG [Passive] Using any Accelerator Aura skills will grant an additional damage buff aura.


Class Master SP Requirement Quest Requirement
Code Nemesis
75 SP
Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Critical chance
Critical damage
1 3% 1%
2 4% 2%
3 5% 3%
4 6% 4%
5 7% 5%

Tips and Details

  • Concentration of Energy is unlocked through the Advanced Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv40 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • The effect does not stack, i.e if you use Magic/Shield/Power Accelerator Aura, you won't get 14% critical chance and 10% more critical damage and so on.
  • The "critical damage increase" is a modifier for the critical damage multiplier, at Lv5 it brings the bonus damage gained from critical hits from 50% to 52.5%.
    • This brings the damage done on a critical hit to 152.5%, a 1.67% total increase in damage.
