File:Back Tumbling Shot.PNG
[Active] Rena backflips into the air and shoot arrow(s) 45 degrees downwards.


SP Requirement
35 SP

Skill Information

Skill Level Number of Arrows Fired Magic Damage Mp Usage Cooldown
1 1 170% 30 MP 6 Seconds
2 2
3 (M) 3
4 221%
5 272%

Skill Note

Name: Nimble Landing Ⅰ(NA) / Re-bound Opportunity I(KR)

Description: Reduces cooldown by 1 second.

Tips and Details

  • During the backflip, Rena is invulnerable.
    • The invincibility frames last long enough for this to be useful as a dodge skill.
    • The invincibility frames during the first half of the skill were significantly reduced in NA's 8\29\12 patch.
  • Increasing Skill level increases the number of shots.
    Skill level 1 = 1 shot of 170%
    Skill level 3 = 3 shot of 170%
    Skill level 4 and higher does NOT increase number of arrows shot, just damage
