
Attempt to counter the enemy's attack for a certain duration.
You can move during counter attack. Reflects normal attack and magical projectiles.
Dash back if attacked with an attack that cannot be reflected.


Class Level Required Base Skill
Apsara 99 Counter Switch

Skill Information


Level Required Counter Damage (Physical) Duration MP Usage Cooldown
99 381% 3 Seconds 10 MP 6 Seconds


Level Required Counter Damage (Physical)
99 152%

Skill Information (KR)


Level Required Counter Damage (Physical) Duration MP Usage Cooldown
99 405% 3 Seconds 10 MP 6 Seconds


Level Required Counter Damage (Physical)
99 162%

Skill Traits

Reversed Counter Switch Haste Counter Switch
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect Details
MP Usage Cooldown Cooldown
MP Usage decreased to 0%
Cooldown increased to 200%
0 MP 12 Seconds Cooldown decreased to 50% 3 Seconds


  • This version has a different cooldown than the regular version. The only other [Mod] skill to share this trait is [Mod] Impact Zone.


  • 04/05/2018 KR
    • Damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 이화접목 Breaking
   South Korea (literal Chinese name) 移花接木 To stealthily substitute one thing for another
  Japan 梨花接木 ??
  China (Simplified Chinese) 移花接木 To stealthily substitute one thing for another
  Germany Fließendes Wasser Flowing Water
  Spain Agua fluyente Flowing Water
  France Flux de l'eau Water Flow
  Italy Acqua Corrente Flowing Water
  Poland Rwąca Woda Teared Water
  United Kingdom Flowing Water
  Brazil Bloqueio Rápido Quick Guard
