Wyspa Ereda

A new PvP dungeon based mode!
'Red Knights' z Belder i 'Guardian Knights' z Hamel walczą. Podobno w jakimś szczytnym celu, coś tam o jedności, rozwoju, ale jak w naszym świecie chodzi o łupy, jakieś poukrywane artefakty. Wyspa była długo ukryta jakąś wielką magią, ale teraz Ereda Island jest widoczna.
Rekomendowany poziom:
40 - 70
poziom wyposażenia:
Plan Eredy:
Wymagania do wejscia:
  • Peita musi być otwarta.
    • DOstępna na mapach od Peita do Sander
  • Do wejścia wymagane jest 6 osób.
Na czym to polega/Jek grać?:

Gracze muszą pokonać odbe jednosti żeby przejśc na kolejną część mapy. Ma każdej części jest 2 dowódców strażników których trzeba pokonać żeby otworzyć portal na następną część. Póżniej zniszcz kryształ przeciwnika, ale uważaj bo za nim jest wieża strażnicza i wybucha magicznie akurat po to żeby Cię zabić. Nie daj się.
Drużyna która pierwsza zniszczy kryształ drużyny przeciwnej i jej wieżę obronną wygrywa pojedynek. Nagrodą jest EXP/AP' no i standardowa misja.

Drużyna Belder:
Image Description Moves

  Belder Mage - Mag z Belder, używa ataków ogniowych i rani graczy.



  Belder Wieża Obronna - Duża wieża, blokująca przejścia. Może się poruszać i najechać gracza jak podejdzie za blisko, Czasami strzela..

  Vern - Szermierz z Belder. Boss obrońców bramy.

-Sword Combo: Vern swings his sword three times, with the third strike knocking down.

-Charged Swing: Vern charges his sword in a state of super armor, then launches a single, powerful attack.

-Burn Geyser: A smaller version of Elsword's Triple Geyser skill.

  Cain - Mag z Belder. Boss obrońców bramy.

-Fire Blast: Cain swings her staff, releasing a blast of fire that quickly travels forward.

-Flame Eruption: Cain summons an eruption of fire which hits players multiple times, then knocks down.

-Gust Storm: An exact copy of Aisha's Gust Storm, however it has a longer activation time, during which Cain gains invincibility and slowly floats into the air.

  Lord Nieprzenikniony - Obrońca Belder. Boss obrońców bramy.

-Shield Bash: Lard bashes players with his shield three times, the last hit knocking his victim(s) away.

-Shield Blast: Lard unleashes a blast of fire from his shield.

-Defensive slam: Lard hits the ground with his shield, causing a small quake which knocks any nearby players away from him.

  Vanessa - Wymachuje włócznią i broni Belder. Boss obrońców bramy.

-Spear Swing: Vanessa swings her spear a few times in super armor, knocking down.

-Spinning Cut: Vanessa spins around, hitting anyone who goes near her with her spear, also KDs.

-Energy Burst: Vanessa gains super armor and slams her spear into the ground, causing a large, red burst of energy, which launches players unfortunate enough to get hit by it.



Drużyna Hamel:
Image Description Moves

  Hamel Mage - Mag Hamel, używa różnych sztuczek z lodem atakując graczy.



  Hamel Wieża Obronna - Duża wieża, blokująca przejścia. Może się poruszać i najechać gracza jak podejdzie za blisko, Czasami strzela.

  Sig - Szermierz z Hamel. Boss obrońców bramy.

-Sword Combo: Sig swings his sword three times, with the third strike knocking down.

-Charged Swing: Sig charges his sword in a state of super armor, then launches a single, powerful attack.

-Ice Geyser: An ice version of Elsword's Triple Geyser skill.

  Leon - Mag z Hamel. Boss obrońców bramy.

-Ice Blast: Leon swings her staff, releasing a blast of ice that quickly travels forward.

-Frost Eruption: Leon summons an eruption of ice which hits players multiple times, then knocks down.

-Ice Storm: An exact copy of Aisha's Ice Storm, however it has a longer activation time, during which Leon gains invincibility and slowly floats into the air.

  Net - Obrońca z Hamel. Boss obrońców bramy.

-Shield Bash: Net bashes players with his shield three times, the last hit knocking his victim(s) away.

-Shield Blast: Net unleashes a blast of ice from his shield.

-Defensive slam: Net hits the ground with his shield, causing a small quake which knocks any nearby players away from him.

  Lexter - Włócznik z Hamel. Boss obrońców bramy.

-Spear Swing: Lexter swings her spear a few times in super armor, knocking down.

-Spinning Cut: Lexter spins around, hitting anyone who goes near her with her spear, also KDs.

-Energy Burst: Lexter gains super armor and slams her spear into the ground, causing a large blue burst of energy, which launches players unfortunate enough to get hit by it.



Ereda Mobs:
Image Description Moves
  El Tower - At the center of the battlefield is a large tower that possesses the power of El. Whichever team manages to destroy it gains a temporary buff which affects all teammates. The tower isn't going to be destroyed so easily, however!
  • Unlike the Gatekeepers and team fountains/towers, destroying the El Tower is not rewarded with points. You should only take the time to go after it if your team's score is close to your opponent's.
  • The buff does not affect dead players. If the tower is destroyed while a player is awaiting resurrection, they will not receive the effects of the buff when they are revived.

Tower Attack: The El Tower launches an orb of energy which does moderate damage and inflicts Senile on players who get hit.

Tower Guardians: The El Tower has several ghost-like guardians who fight off players and serve as obstacles.

艾达岛 - pve_stage01

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous