• English
Full Name
We came here because you guys wanted to. It's not like I said I'll help.

~ Tyr



Tyr is a boy living in the Kingdom of Xin in a village not far from Isshin.



Tyr was originally a demon residing in the Demon World. For a currently unknown reason, he was sealed inside the Demon World's subspace. Tyr was eventually able to escape his imprisonment and found his way to Elrios, but in the process the seal that bound his powers was scatted across Elrios, rending his powers limited.

Demon Invasion of Xin

When Ran and his demon forces began their invasion of the Xin Kingdom, Tyr was in the area. Tyr saw Ran while he was Fahrmann, but the two had already parted their ways. Tyr fled the attack but was chased by Ran.

Soon after, going through the forest, he ran into Ara. Ara tended to the boy's injuries and told him to seek a nearby village in order to seek proper care. Stepping back, Ara talks out loud about her concerns over Ran. Tyr overhears her and mentions that the person who had given chase to him called himself Ran. Ara jumped at the boy to tell her where Ran was, but she soon realized the absurdity of her actions, asking a boy to go back to the person he had fled from. Tyr didn't mind as he told Ara he was meaning to head back to try and get back something important he had left behind.

Soon, Eun feels a monster close by and they soon spot a dragon just beyond the bushes. Ara tells Tyr to stay back as she planned to take on the monster, much to Eun's uncertainty due to Ara low mana.

Unsealed Power

After Ara was able to slay the beast, Tyr was impressed that she was able to defeat the guardian that was transported to guard the seal. With Ara unconscious from the battle, Tyr walks up and absorbs a fragment of his powers back. Looking back at Ara, he realized that Ran would probably be back to get rid of her as a potential threat, Tyr then believes that if he allowed her to grow, she might be an invaluable asset for him in the future. Soon he notices the strange hairpin Ara had in her bag, before he could do anything, Ara awakens possessed by Eun.

Eun is quick to realize that the boy is not human, sensing his demonic energy. Tyr tell Eun that the girl had help him removed the seal to his power, Eun is angered that the boy deceived Ara. Try corrects her that he wasn't completely lying, actually having seen Ran, going so far to say he might plan to track Ran down now that he has some of his power back. Eun is shocked to hear that the boy would simply just walk away after they had helped him. Tyr simply rebuts that he never said he would help them in the first place, however he did say he may return the favor one day. Eun lets the boy walk away, but before Tyr could leave, he mentions a demon he had once known, one who had once boasted about sealing a Holy Beast in a hairpin. Eun quickly jumps to threaten the boy to tell her who that demon was.


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 티르 Tyr

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other