[Active] Chung aims and shoots once with the Silver Shooter.


SP Requirement
Shooting Guardian

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage (Magical) Max hit MP Usage Cool Down
1 197% 1 30 MP 3 Seconds
2 240%
3 267%
4 297%
5 (M) 330%


Skill Level Damage (Magical) Max hit MP Usage Cool Down
1 250% 1 30 MP 3 Seconds
2 300%
3 350%
4 400%
5 (M) 450%

Skill Note

Name: REAL Head Shot(KR)

Description: Adds a 30% chance of a hit dealing 2x damage.

Tips & Details

  • Pierces through three monsters.
  • Previously believed to have a chance to deal two hits; however, this is not the case. The second "chance" hit only occurs when a player activates headshot in close proximity to the monster - the actual second hit is an attack dealt by pulling out the gun and is not intended to be part of the actual skill's damage.
  • After the 3/29 KR patch, the down hit percentage increase is deleted.
