[Special Active] Chung launches 12 guided missiles from his cannon that explode upon impact.


SP Requirement
Shooting Guardian

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage (Magical) Number of Missiles Max Hits MP Usage Cool Down
Missile Splash Normal Awakened Normal Awakened
1 203% 18% 12 15 24 hits 30 hits 300 MP 30 seconds
2 243% 21%
3 284% 25%
4 324% 29%
5 (M) 385% 34%


Skill Level Damage (Magical) Number of Missiles Max Hits MP Usage Cool Down
Normal Awakened Normal Awakened
1 261% 12 15 24 hits 30 hits 300 MP 30 seconds
2 313%
3 366%
4 418%
5 (M) 496%
6 574%

Tips and Details

  • Each missile does 2 hits.
    • One inital hit and one second hit dealing splash damage.
  • Shooting Star requires and consumes 3 rounds of ammo.
  • 25% more cannonballs are fired while in Awakening Mode.
  • Slightly increased MP regen given to the skill after the 07/28/11 character re-balance (~+10mp).
  • While he is Shooting Guardian, he requires Heavy Railgun
  • If used in close range, this skill cannot be mana broken.
