[Special Active] Rena executes a forward thrust that is guided by a gale of wind that has varied physical damage:Fatal, Normal, Weak, or Failure.


SP Requirement
Quest Requirement
Trapping Ranger
60 SP
Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level
Fatal Damage
Normal Damage
Weak Damage
Failure Damage
MP Usage
1 3452% 1726% 1036% 1 Damage 200MP 10 Seconds
2 4143% 2071% 1243%
3 4833% 2417% 1450%
4 5524% 2762% 1657%
5 (M) 6560% 3280% 1968%
6 7595% 3798% 2279%

Tips and Details

  • Fatality is unlocked through the Intermediate Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv30 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • This skill will activate Vital Point Piercing.
  • A successful Fatal hit is indicated by a !!.
  • Odds are roughly estimated as follows:
    • Fatal: 30%
    • Normal: 50%
    • Weak: 15%
    • Fail: 5%
  • A failed hit is indicated by rena falling down.
  • If targets jump, and the blade hit their feet, the skill will miss.


  • Fatality has the fastest activation speed of any other 200 mp lock skill with almost no delay.
  • Fatality is the first skill in the game to introduce a lottery system to decide the damage of the skill.
  • There was a voice dubbing for this skill, although they changed the yelling,"Fatality!" to just a yell.
  • In the past skill success rates were based on skill rank.
    • Counter intuitively, as this skill was ranked Rena would fail increasingly often and the odds of making a Fatal blow would drop.
  • this unlike many other locked skills can't be performed while in the air.
